Torchbearer Archive

Torchbearer Archive

Torchbearer National Security Reports

Torchbearer National Security Reports are comprehensive and designed to focus attention and action on the critical defense issues facing our nation as it enters the 21st century. These messages are sent to the military and civilian leadership of the United States Army and the Department of Defense, selected segments of the American public, members of Congress, key congressional staff, industry and the administration. 

View Torchbearer National Security Reports


Torchbearer Issue Papers

Torchbearer Issue Papers are discussion papers on key strategic issues relevant to the U.S. Army and its role in national defense. These messages are sent to the military and civilian leadership of the United States Army and the Department of Defense, selected segments of the American public, members of Congress, key congressional staff, industry and the administration. 

View Torchbearer Issue Papers


Torchbearer Alerts

Torchbearer Alerts are informational papers highlighting time-sensitive issues of importance to the Army and providing instructions on how to be a strong voice for action with elected officials. These messages are sent to the military and civilian leadership of the United States Army and the Department of Defense, selected segments of the American public, members of Congress, key congressional staff, industry and the administration.

View Torchbearer Alerts


Torchbearer Special Reports

Torchbearer Special Reports are designed to focus attention and action on unique critical defense issues facing our nation. These messages are sent to the leadership of the United States Army and the Department of Defense, selected segments of the American public, members of Congress, key congressional staff, industry and the administration.

View Torchbearer Special Reports
