Land Warfare Papers

Land Warfare Papers

Land Warfare Papers

Land Warfare Papers are scholarly research papers of up to 10,000 words that contribute to a better understanding of a particular defense or national security issue.


An Army Modernization Update
by LTC Amos C. Fox, U.S. Army (Land Warfare Paper 165 / November 2024)

Competition against American Influence: China, Iran and Russia
by SGM Jorge A. Rivera, U.S. Army (Land Warfare Paper 164 / September 2024)

Army Aviation and Decisiveness in the Air-Ground Littoral
by Lieutenant Colonel Amos C. Fox, USA, Ret., PhD (Land Warfare Paper 163 / August 2024)

Defeating Deception: Outthinking Chinese Deception in a Taiwan Invasion
by Major Thomas L. Haydock, PhD, U.S. Army (Land Warfare Paper 162, July 2024)

Army Modernization and Spatial Computing
by MAJ Daniel Eerhart, USA (Land Warfare Paper 161, May 2024)

Welcome (Back) to the Jungle
by MAJ Karl Rauch, USA (Land Warfare Paper 160, April 2024)

The PLA and Mission Command: Is the Party Control System Too Rigid for Its Adaptation by China?
by Larry M. Wortzel (Land Warfare Paper 159, March 2024)

The Russo-Ukrainian War: A Strategic Assessment Two Years into the Conflict
by LTC Amos C. Fox, USA (Land Warfare Paper 158, February 2024)

Bridging through Time: From River Crossing in World War II to Wet-Gap Crossing Today and in the Future
by MAJ Aditya Iyer, USA (Land Warfare Paper 157, February 2024)

Maneuver and Breakthrough in 1940 France: Insights for the U.S. Army and the Russo-Ukrainian War
by LTC Nathan Jennings, PhD, USA (Land Warfare Paper 156, January 2024)


An Ode to the Sagger Drill: Addressing the Modern Anti-Tank Guided Missile Problem Set
by LTC Michael B. Kim, USA; Phillip Webster; CPT Ismael M. Orozco, USA; and SFC David V. DeSantis, USA (Land Warfare Paper 155, September 2023)

The Army of 2040: An Extension of the 2030 Goals
by MAJ Roye Locklear, Jr., ARNG (Land Warfare Paper 154, March 2023)

Tenets of Army Modernization
by LTC Hassan M. Kamara, USA (Land Warfare Paper 153, February 2023)



The 1973 Arab-Israeli War: Insights for Multi-Domain Operations
by LTC Nathan Jennings, PhD, USA, & LTC Kyle Trottier, USA (Land Warfare Paper 152, December 2022)

People Who Know, Know MDO: Understanding Army Multi-Domain Operations as a Way to Make It Better
by LTC Marco J. Lyons, USA, & COL David E. Johnson, PhD, USA, Ret. (Land Warfare Paper 151, November 2022)

Army National Guard 4.0: A Transformation
by MAJ Roye Locklear, Jr., ARNG (Land Warfare Paper 150, October 2022)

Reflections on Russia's 2022 Invasion of Ukraine: Combined Arms Warfare, the Battalion Tactical Group and Wars in a Fishbowl
by LTC Amos C. Fox, U.S. Army (Land Warfare Paper 149, September 2022)

Ukraine and Proxy War: Improving Ontological Shortcomings in Military Thinking
by LTC Amos C. Fox, U.S. Army (Land Warfare Paper 148, August 2022)

Tanks in the Surf: Maintaining the Joint Combined Arms Landing Team
by MAJ Matthew W. Graham, U.S. Army (Land Warfare Paper 147, July 2022)

Army Readiness and Modernization in 2022
by Latashia Bates (Land Warfare Paper 146, June 2022)

Considering the Penetration Division: Implications for Multi-Domain Operations
by LTC Nathan Jennings, PhD, USA (Land Warfare Paper 145, April 2022)

The Future Installation Management Enterprise: Is the Army Equipped with the Right Capabilities?
by MAJ Roye Locklear, Jr., ARNG (Land Warfare Paper 144, April 2022)

Hypersonic Weapons Development in China, Russia and the United States: Implications for American Security Policy
by Larry M. Wortzel (Land Warfare Paper 143, March 2022)

Charismatic Leadership as the Bulwark Against Unit Disintegration
by MAJ Karl Umbrasas, PsyD, USA (Land Warfare Paper 142, February 2022)



Combat Multiplier: Examining the Security Force Assistance Brigade's Role in Future Army Strategic Deterrence
by MAJ John Thomas Pelham IV, U.S. Army (Land Warfare Paper 141, September 2021)

A Comparison of Recruitment and Training Problems in the U.S. Army and China's People's Liberation Army
by Larry M. Wortzel (Land Warfare Paper 140, August 2021)

On the Principles of War: Reorganizing Thought and Practice for Large-Scale Combat Operations
by MAJ Amos C. Fox, USA (Land Warfare Paper 138, June 2021)

The Role of Drones in Future Terrorist Attacks
by Thomas G. Pledger (Land Warfare Paper 137, February 2021)



Military Mobilization in Communist China
by Larry M. Wortzel (Land Warfare Paper 136, December 2020)

How to Fight the Russians
by COL Richard D. Hooker, Jr., USA, Ret. (Land Warfare Paper 135, November 2020)

Keeping Peace with a Different Drum: A Note on Military Music
by SFC Joseph D. Hart, Jr. (Land Warfare Paper 134, August 2020)

Getting Multi-Domain Operations Right: Two Critical Flaws in the U.S. Army's Multi-Domain Operations Concept
by MAJ Amos C. Fox, U.S. Army (Land Warfare Paper 133, June 2020)

Mission Command and Armed Robotic Systems Command and Control: A Human and Machine Assessment
by Robert J. Bunker (Land Warfare Paper 132, May 2020)

Expanding the Battlefield: An Important Fundamental of Multi-Domain Operations
by LTG Eric J. Wesley, USA, and COL Robert H. Simpson, USA, Ret. (Land Warfare Paper 131, April 2020)

The Mosul Study Group and the Lessons of the Battle of Mosul
by MAJ Amos C. Fox, USA (Land Warfare Paper 130, February 2020)



Risking Nuclear Escalation: The Characteristics of War from the Sino-Soviet and Kargil Wars
by MAJ Zachary Morris, USA (Land Warfare Paper 129, October 2019)

Taking a Look under the Hood: The October War and What Maintenance Approaches Reveal about Military Operations
by COL James S. Powell, USA (Land Warfare Paper 128, August 2019)

Let's Talk Business: Army Talent Management
by MAJ Dana M. Gingrich, USA (Land Warfare Paper 127, July 2019)

What the Chinese People's Liberation Army Can Do to Thwart the Army's Multi-Domain Task Force
by Larry M. Wortzel (Land Warfare Paper 126, July 2019)

"Cyborgs at Little Stalingrad": A Brief History of the Battles of the Donetsk Airport, 26 May 2014 to 21 January 2015
by MAJ Amos C. Fox, USA (Land Warfare Paper 125, May 2019)

The U.S. Army, the Nuclear Posture Review and Nuclear Deterrence: A European Historical Context
by David R. Dorondo, PhD (Land Warfare Paper 124, March 2019)

In Pursuit of a General Theory of Proxy Warfare
by MAJ Amos C. Fox, USA (Land Warfare Paper 123, February 2019)

A Case Study of Politics and U.S. Army Doctrine: 1954 Field Manual 100-5: Operations
by Dr. David C. Rasmussen (Land Warfare Paper 122, January 2019)



The Influence Machine: Automated Information Operations as a Strategic Defeat Mechanism
by MAJ Christopher Telley, USA (Land Warfare Paper 121, October 2018)

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization: Dubious Political Will to Defend Baltic Allies
by MAJ Zachary Morris, USA (Land Warfare Paper 120, August 2018)

Army Combat Developments Command: A Way to Modernize Better and Faster than the Competition
by MAJ Hassan M. Kamara, USA (Land Warfare Paper 119, July 2018)

Walks in the Midst of Trouble: Allied Patrols in War Zone C, October 1966
by John M. Carland (Land Warfare Paper 118, February 2018)

The Importance of Land Warfare: This Kind of War Redux
by David E. Johnson (Land Warfare Paper 117, January 2018)



Fighting for the Land—from the Sea
by Brian J. Dunn (Land Warfare Paper 116, December 2017)

Satellite and Ground Communication Systems: Space and Electronic Warfare Threats to the United States Army
by MAJ Andrew H. Boyd (Land Warfare Paper 115, November 2017)

Reconnecting Athens and Sparta: A Review of OPMS XXI at 20 Years
by COL Susan Bryant and COL Heidi A. Urben (Land Warfare Paper 114, October 2017)

Conventional Munitions Industrial Base
by Scott S. Haraburda (Land Warfare Paper 113, August 2017)

Making Sense of Russian Hybrid Warfare: A Brief Assessment of the Russo–Ukrainian War
by Amos C. Fox and Andrew J. Rossow (Land Warfare Paper 112, March 2017)



Characteristics of Army Reserve Officer Training Corps Leader Development
by Steven Estes, Joel M. Miller and Marcus D. Majure (Land Warfare Paper 111, November 2016)

Is India's Military Modernization Evidence of an Aggressive National Security Policy?
by Christopher L. Budihas (Land Warfare Paper 110, October 2016)

The Uncertain Role of the Tank in Modern War: Lessons from the Israeli Experience in Hybrid Warfare
by Michael B. Kim (Land Warfare Paper 109, June 2016)



Are U.S. Army Capabilities for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction at Risk?
by Thomas C. Westen (Land Warfare Paper 108, September 2015)

Integrating Landpower in the Indo–Asia–Pacific Through 2020: Analysis of a Theater Army Campaign Design
by Benjamin A. Bennett (Land Warfare Paper 107, May 2015)

American Landpower and the Two-war Construct
by Richard D. Hooker, Jr. (Land Warfare Paper 106, May 2015)

Operations Research and the United States Army: A 75th Anniversary Perspective
by Greg H. Parlier (Land Warfare Paper 105, January 2015)



Professional Soldier Athlete: The Cornerstone of Strategic Landpower's Human Dimension
by Deydre S. Teyhen (Land Warfare Paper 104, October 2014)

Creating a Total Army Cyber Force: How to Integrate the Reserve Component into the Cyber Fight
by Christopher R. Quick (Land Warfare Paper 103, September 2014)

Unified and Joint Land Operations: Doctrine for Landpower
by John A. Bonin (Land Warfare Paper 102, August 2014)

Special Operations Forces in Unlit Spaces: Understanding the World's Dark Spots in the Context of SOF Operational Planning
by Joseph A. Royo (Land Warfare Paper 101, June 2014)

The Resilient Defense
by Raymond A. Millen (Land Warfare Paper 100, May 2014)

The Emergence of Feral and Criminal Cities: U.S. Military Implications in a Time of Austerity
by Robert J. Bunker (Land Warfare Paper 99, April 2014)



Army Adaptation from 1898 to the Present: How Army Leaders Balanced Strategic and Institutional Imperatives to Best Serve the Nation
by Robert H. Simpson and Mark C. Smith (Land Warfare Paper 98, September 2013)

Design, Mission Command and the Network: Enabling Organizational Adaptation
by Todd A. Schmidt (Land Warfare Paper 97, August 2013)

Institutionalizing Stability Operations: A Policy Analysis
by Michael Kelly McCoy (Land Warfare Paper 96, June 2013)

Cyberspace Operations in Support of Counterinsurgency Operations
by David W. Pendall, Ronald Wilkes and Timothy J. Robinson (Land Warfare Paper 95, April 2013)

Misinterpretation and Confusion: What is Mission Command and Can the U.S. Army Make it Work?
by Donald E. Vandergriff (Land Warfare Paper 94, February 2013)

Strategists Break all the Rules
by Adelaido Godinez (Land Warfare Paper 93, January 2013)



Leader Development, Learning Agility and the Army Profession
by Brian J. Reed (Land Warfare Paper 92, October 2012)

Irregular Warfare: Counterterrorism Forces in Support of Counterinsurgency Operations
by William B. Ostlund (Land Warfare Paper 91, September 2012)

General Matthew B. Ridgway: A Commander's Maturation of Operational Art
by Joseph R. Kurz (Land Warfare Paper 90, September 2012)

Distilling the Demographic Dividend: Retaining U.S. Army Officer Talent for the 40-year Career?
by Kevin D. Stringer (Land Warfare Paper 89, June 2012)

The Spider Webs and the Lion: How Energy and Environmental Issues Entangle China
by Mark Lee (Land Warfare Paper 88, May 2012)

Historical Lessons Applied to the Current Technical Revolution in Military Affairs
by Benjamin Huebschman (Land Warfare Paper 87, March 2012)

Applying Natural System Metaphors to the Force Modernization Process
by K. Todd Chamberlain (Land Warfare Paper 86, February 2012)



A Case for Human Dimension Training: Decision Science and Its Potential for Improved Soldier Resilience and Decisionmaking at Every Level
by Kevin M. Felix (Land Warfare Paper 85, October 2011)

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Mission Command versus the Army Personnel System
by Donald E. Vandergriff (Land Warfare Paper 84, August 2011)

The Professional Military Ethic and Political Dissent: Has the Line Moved?
by Eric A. Hollister (Land Warfare Paper 83, August 2011)

What Drives Pakistan's Interest in Afghanistan?
by Christopher L. Budihas (Land Warfare Paper 82, April 2011)



Assembly Line to Custom Design: Reforming the Officer Development System
by Kent W. Park (Land Warfare Paper 81, October 2010)

Leveraging Science in the Manoeuvrist Approach to Counterinsurgency Operations
by Ernest Y. Wong (Land Warfare Paper 80, October 2010)

A Shot in the Dark: The Futility of Long-Range Modernization Planning
by Eric A. Hollister (Land Warfare Paper 79, October 2010)

Grey Eminence: Fox Conner and the Art of Mentorship
by Edward Cox (Land Warfare Paper 78, September 2010)

New NATO Member States: The Benefits and Drawbacks of Enlargement
by Christine Le Jeune (Land Warfare Paper 77, September 2010)

Today's Training and Education (Development) Revolution: The Future is Now!
by Donald E. Vandergriff (Land Warfare Paper 76, April 2010)



The Evolution of Noncommissioned Officers in Training Soldiers
by Robert S. Rush (Land Warfare Paper 75, October 2009)

Manning Reserve Component Units for Mobilization: Army and Air Force Practice
Dennis P. Chapman (Land Warfare Paper 74, September 2009)

Dominant Land Forces for 21st Century Warfare
by Edmund J. Degen (Land Warfare Paper 73, September 2009)

Proactive Self-Defense in Cyberspace
by Bruce D. Caulkins (Land Warfare Paper 72, August 2009)

Collateral Damage: How Can the Army Best Serve a Soldier With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
by Richard B. O'Connor (Land Warfare Paper 71, February 2009)



U.S. Army Mobilization During the Korean War and Its Aftermath
by Mark A. Olinger (Land Warfare Paper 70, November 2008)

Planning for Employment of the Reserve Components: Army Practice, Past and Present
by Dennis P. Chapman (Land Warfare Paper 69, September 2008)

Logistics and the Combatant Commander: Meeting the Challenge
by Mark A. Olinger (Land Warfare Paper 68, July 2008)

The War on Terror and the War for Officer Talent: Linked Challenges for the U.S. Army
by Kevin D. Stringer (Land Warfare Paper 67, July 2008)



Anatomy of a Failed Occupation: The U.S. Army in the Former Confederate States, 1865 to 1877
by Louis A. DiMarco (Land Warfare Paper 66, November 2007)

Task Force 165 Military Intelligence Battalion – Building a Capability
by F. Patrick Filbert (Land Warfare Paper 65, September 2007)

The Evolution of the Pentagon's Strategic Warfighting Resource and Risk Process
by Robert F. Larsen (Land Warfare Paper 64, June 2007)

Confrontation at Anacostia Flats: The Bonus Army of 1932
by Kendall D. Gott (Land Warfare Paper 63, April 2007)

Military Intervention in Iran: Why and How
by Stephen Blanchette, Jr. (Land Warfare Paper 62, March 2007)

The Texas Militia: National and Local Implications
by Bruce L. Brager (Land Warfare Paper 61, January 2007)



Conceptual Underpinnings of the Air Assault Concept: The Hogaboom, Rogers and Howze Boards
by Mark A. Olinger (Land Warfare Paper 60, December 2006)

MG Matthew Ridgway As the 82d Airborne Division Commander: A Case Study on the Impact of Vision and Character in Leadership
by Bryan N. Groves (Land Warfare Paper 59, October 2006)

Defining Asymmetric Warfare
by David L. Buffaloe (Land Warfare Paper 58, September 2006)

SysAdmin: Toward Barnett's Stabilization and Reconstruction Force
by James B. Ellsworth (Land Warfare Paper 57, September 2006)

Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachecsky (1893–1937): Practitioner and Theorist of War
by Christopher Paul McPadden (Land Warfare Paper 56, August 2006)

The Fall of France and the Summer of 1940
by Thomas D. Morgan (Land Warfare Paper 55, April 2006)



Transforming U.S. Army Logistics: A Strategic Supply Chain Approach for Inventory Management
by Greg H. Parlier (Land Warfare Paper 54, September 2005)

Trading the Saber for Stealth: Can Surveillance Technology Replace Traditional Aggressive Reconnaissance?
by Curtis D. Taylor (Land Warfare Paper 53, September 2005)

The Case for Consolidating Tactical and Operational Systems
by William R. Clemons (Land Warfare Paper 52, September 2005)

"Over by Christmas": Campaigning, Delusions and Force Requirements
by J. B. A. Bailey (Land Warfare Paper 51, September 2005)

Improving Tactical PSYOP Video Dissemination in Media-Austere Operating Environments
by Arthur Tulák (Land Warfare Paper 50, January 2005)



The Yin and Yang of Junior Officer Learning: The Historical Development of the Army's Institutional Education Program for Captains
by Kelly C. Jordan (Land Warfare Paper 49, October 2004)

Joint Fires as They Were Meant to Be: V Corps and the 4th Air Support Operations Group During Operation Iraqi Freedom
by Charles E. Kirkpatrick (Land Warfare Paper 48, October 2004)

Land Warfare in the Information Age
by Robert M. Toguchi and Richard J. Rinaldo (Land Warfare Paper 47, September 2004)

Suicide Bombings in Operation Iraqi Freedom
by Robert J. Bunker and John P. Sullivan (Land Warfare Paper 46, September 2004)

Surprise, Shock and Daring: The Future of Mobile, All-Arms Warfare
by James B. Hickey (Land Warfare Paper 45, April 2004)



The Enduring Relevance of Landpower: Flexibility and Adaptability for Joint Campaigns
by Michael A. Vane and Robert M. Toguchi (Land Warfare Paper 44, October 2003)

Continuous Concentric Pressure
by John A. Bonin and Mark H. Gerner (Land Warfare Paper 43, September 2003)

How We Got There: Air Assault and the Emergence of the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile), 1950–1965
by John M. Carland (Land Warfare Paper 42, May 2003)

U.S. Army Civil Affairs—The Army's "Ounce of Prevention"
by Bruce B. Bingham, Daniel L. Rubini and Michael J. Cleary (Land Warfare Paper 41, March 2003)



Conceptual Foundations of a Transformed U.S. Army
by Huba Wass de Czege and Richard Hart Sinnreich (Land Warfare Paper 40, March 2002)



The Army's "Twofer": The Dual Role of the Interim Force
by James M. Dubik (Land Warfare Paper 39, October 2001)

The People's Liberation Army in the Land of Elusive Sheen
by Edward B. Atkeson (Land Warfare Paper 38, September 2001)

Crossroads in U.S. Military Capability: The 21st Century U.S. Army and the Abrams Doctrine
by John R. Groves (Land Warfare Paper 37, August 2001)



The Janus Paradox: The Army's Preparation for Conflicts of the 21st Century
by Wayne M. Hall (Land Warfare Paper 36, October 2000)

The Anatomy of Change: Why Armies Succeed or Fail at Transformation
by Bryon E. Greenwald (Land Warfare Paper 35, September 2000)



Biological Warfare: Are U.S. Armed Forces Ready?
by William E. King IV (Land Warfare Paper 34, October 1999)

Peace With Honor: Enduring Truths, Lessons Learned and Implications for a Durable Peace in Bosnia
by Walter N. Anderson (Land Warfare Paper 33, September 1999)

America's First Cold War Army: 1945–1950 (A Korean War Commemorative)
by William W. Epley (Land Warfare Paper 32, August 1999)



Information Operations and the Conduct of Land Warfare
by Robert J. Bunker (Land Warfare Paper 31, October 1998)

Russia, the United States and Nuclear Proliferation
by Kevin D. Johnson (Land Warfare Paper 30, September 1998)

The People's Republic of China in Transition: An Assessment of the People's Liberation Army
by Edward B. Atkeson (Land Warfare Paper 29, February 1998)



Central European Security: Looking Ahead
by Elanor B. Sutter (Land Warfare Paper 28, November 1997)

The First Gulf War and the Army's Future
by Brian J. Dunn (Land Warfare Paper 27, October 1997)

Terminating the Ground War in the Persian Gulf: A Clausewitzian Examination
by Dominic J. Caraccilo (Land Warfare Paper 26, September 1997)



Creating Combat Power for the 21st Century
by James M. Dubik (Land Warfare Paper 25, October 1996)

U.S. Power Projection Capability and Rear-Area Security
by Richard F. Ballard (Land Warfare Paper 24, September 1996)

Nonlethal Technology and Fourth Epoch War: A New Paradigm of Politico-Military Force
by Robert J. Bunker and T. Lindsay Moore (Land Warfare Paper 23, February 1996)



Scud Alert! The History, Development and Military Significance of Ballistic Missiles on Tactical Operations
by Bryon E. Greenwald (Land Warfare Paper 22, October 1995)

The North Korean Military Threat in Perspective
by Edward B. Atkeson (Land Warfare Paper 21, August 1995)

Setting the Terms of Future Battle for Force XXI
by Douglas A. Macgregor (Land Warfare Paper 20, June 1995)



Koje Island: The 1952 Korean Hostage Crisis
by William Roskey (Land Warfare Paper 19, September 1994)

Fighting Smarter: Leveraging Information Age Technology
by Edward H. Josephson and Raymond M. Macedonia (Land Warfare Paper 18, August 1994)



Reserve Forces in the Contingency Era: Issues and Answers
by Lewis Sorley (Land Warfare Paper 17, October 1993)

The Impact of the Presidential Nuclear Initiative on Deterrence and the United States Army
by Daniel S. Roper (Land Warfare Paper 16, September 1993)

America's First Cold War Army: 1945–1950 (A Korean War Commemorative)
by William W. Epley (Land Warfare Paper 15, August 1993)



Marshal Tukhachevsky and the "Deep Battle": An Analysis of Operational Level Soviet Tank and Mechanized Doctrine, 1935–1945
by Peter J. Vlakancic (Land Warfare Paper 14, November 1992)

Operational Logistics and the Gulf War
by William G. Pagonis and Michael D. Krause (Land Warfare Paper 13, October 1992)

Hitler's "Watch on the Rhine": The Battle of the Bulge (A World War II Commemorative)
by Thomas W. Dworschak (Land Warfare Paper 12, September 1992)

Residual U.S. Military Forces in Europe
by Don M. Snider (Land Warfare Paper 11, August 1992)

The Syria-Israel Military Balance: A Pot that Bears Watching
by Edward B. Atkeson (Land Warfare Paper 10, January 1992)



Building the Army for Desert Storm
by Charles E. Kirkpatrick (Land Warfare Paper 9, November 1991)

21st Century Doctrine and the Future of Maneuver
by Richard D. Hooker, Jr. (Land Warfare Paper 8, October 1991)

Gathering the Storm: Contingency Planning and Force Projection
by Paul Tiberi and James C. Wendt (Land Warfare Paper 7, September 1991)



AIDS and Its Impact on Medical Readiness
by Edmund C. Tramont (Land Warfare Paper 6, November 1990)

Perestroika and Soviet Military Personnel
by Robert B. Davis (Land Warfare Paper 5, October 1990)

The Inevitable Partnership: The Franco-German Security Relationship
by Thomas-Durell Young and Samuel Newland (Land Warfare Paper 4, September 1990)



The National Security Council Staff: Structure and Functions
by Charles C. Shoemaker (Land Warfare Paper 3, December 1989)

Threat to the Rear: Real or Myth?
by Glenn K. Otis (Land Warfare Paper 2, November 1989)

Soviet Theater Forces at the Crossroads
by Edward B. Atkeson (Land Warfare Paper 1, October 1989)
