V Corps represents the U.S. Army’s unwavering commitment to warfighting excellence, strategic enablement and modernization. As the only forward-deployed U.S. Army corps headquarters, V Corps plays a pivotal role in the defense of NATO’s eastern flank, blending its legacy of leading multinational...
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What began as a military exchange has turned into an expanded partnership pairing U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers and the British Army Special Operations Brigade. Initiated by the British Army’s Capt. Mark Bennett, one of this article’s co-authors, in July 2020 when he began a military exchange at...
On July 3, 1964, Gen. Harold Johnson was promoted and sworn in as the U.S. Army chief of staff. At the age of 52, with the exception of Gen. Douglas MacArthur, he was the youngest officer to serve in that position. He also is the only Army chief of staff who had been a prisoner of war. Johnson was a...
Fifty years ago, I reported to Company B, 2nd Battalion (Ranger), 75th Infantry Regiment. Only a private then, the Rangers changed my life and launched a 33-year U.S. Army career. In October, I returned for the 50th anniversary of the 2nd Battalion’s activation at Fort Lewis, Washington, and...
U.S. Army aviation is one of the most powerful ways to shape the battlefield, so timely and accurate intelligence support is imperative for mission success. Military intelligence professionals assigned to Army aviation units are expected to understand aviation operations and tailor their analysis...
The concept of “transforming in contact” inherently optimizes the U.S. Army’s ability to rapidly adapt for a future war with near-peer adversaries. However, there are technological risks and transformation considerations Army senior leaders must address for successful implementation of the concept...
Only fully consolidated in 2018, most don’t know of the U.S. Army Armor & Cavalry Collection, though it is the largest assembly of U.S. armored vehicles and the second-largest international armored vehicle collection in the world. Located at Fort Moore, Georgia, the collection has more than 265...