Association Partnership with AUSA is an opportunity for like-minded military service organizations to join AUSA to show their support for the total Army, our Soldiers, DoD Civilians, and their families and to provide AUSA membership benefits to all or a subset of their constituents.
For information on becoming an Association Partner, download our Association Partner Brochure or contact Stephen Canonico at
1st Signal Brigade Association
The 1st Signal Brigade Association promotes comradeship among Brigade members, past and present, to preserve the historical heritage of the 1st Signal Brigade and the U.S. Army Signal Corps, and to promote and establish activities to this purpose.
We host a bi-annual reunion in odd numbered years at different locations throughout the U.S. and network amongst our members in between reunions.
28th Infantry Division Association
At the 28th Infantry Division Association, we are dedicated to supporting our soldiers and their families while preserving the rich heritage of the “Iron Division.” Our organization is committed to supporting educational opportunities, honoring memorials, and preserving the historical records that define the legacy of the 28th Infantry Division.
360 Military Veterans Partnership
The 360 Military Veterans Partnership Promotes, Sustains and Improves the Leader 360' Program making our Leader 360 Alumni, military leaders, Veterans and their Families the Strength of our Nation Stronger!
Adjutant General's Corps Regimental Association
The Adjutant General's Corps Regimental Association (AGCRA) supports the entire U.S. Army Adjutant General's (AG) Corps, the only professional organization with this primary function. We also support the camaraderie and professional development of like-minded AG Soldiers and Citizens; we recognize through our awards program outstanding AG Corps Soldiers, Civilians, and Association supporters; and we seek to preserve the AG Corps and AGCRA heritage.
American Armed Forces Mutual Aid Association
AAFMAA is the longest-standing, nonprofit association exclusively serving the American Armed Forces community. Since 1879, military families have joined AAFMAA for its expert military benefits advice, always-affordable financial solutions, and exclusive survivor assistance services. With AAFMAA by their side, Members have the financial security and peace of mind that comes from protecting their families. That's why Membership Means More at AAFMAA.
AMSUS, The Society of Federal Health Professionals
AMSUS, The Society of Federal Health Professionals is an association providing education and professional development to support federal health professionals and their missions at the Departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs, Health and Human Services, and Homeland Security, and our international and industry partners. We advocate for interagency collaboration to advance health for all.
Armed Forces Benefit Association
Armed Forces Benefit Association (AFBA) was established in 1947. We provide survivor and other benefits to those who serve, defend, and protect this great nation, including members of the armed forces, first responders, government employees, and their families. Survivor benefits are funded by life insurance underwritten by 5Star Life Insurance Company.
Army Aviation Association of America
AAAA was formed in early 1957 by a small group of senior Aviation Officers in the active Army, the Reserve Forces of the U.S. Army and industry. The Army Aviation Association of America (AAAA) is the only not-for-profit organization dedicated to representing the broad interests of Army Aviation.
The Army Foreign Area Officer Association
The Army Foreign Area Officer Association (AFAOA) is dedicated to fostering, furthering, and enabling the Army’s Foreign Area Officers to achieve the Army’s strategic objectives. The association aims to support the Foreign Area Officer (FAO) proponent office by advocating for programs and activities that support the functional area. The association desires to preserve and foster a spirit of mentorship and fellowship among military and civilian persons whose past or current duties affiliate them with the Foreign Area Officer functional area.
The Army Historical Foundation
The mission of The Army Historical Foundation (AHF) is to honor the American Soldier by preserving and presenting the history and heritage of the United States Army. AHF is the official Foundation of the National Museum of the United States Army, responsible for fundraising, memberships, and operational and attractions management. The Foundation was established in 1983 as a member-based, charitable 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Army Nurse Corps Association
The Army Nurse Corps Association (ANCA) is the premier military nursing organization, committed to preserving the past, embracing the future, and supporting Army nursing. Its mission is to offer lifelong support to Army nursing and the Army Nurse Corps (ANC). Membership is open to any nurse who is serving or has served honorably in the ANC. ANCA focuses on promoting the history of Army Nursing, providing educational support, fostering research, and offering outreach for members and military families.
Army Reserve Ambassador Association
The purpose of the Army Reserve Ambassador Association is to support the National Security of the United States by insuring a viable and healthy Army Federal Reserve component through a National imprint of senior leaders from the United States. The mission is to support Army Reserve Ambassadors in their work by promoting awareness of the service and sacrifices made by and for the Army Reserve through outreach, recognition, and public educational opportunities.
Army Space Professionals Association
The Army Space Professionals Association's (ASPA) mission is to enhance the professionalism of Army Space by bringing together the Army Space community, both civil and military, by leveraging support and fostering professional development.
Army Spouses' Club of the Greater Washington Area
The Army Spouses' Club of the Greater Washington Area (ASCGWA), a non-profit organization, strives to provide and promote socio-economic and educational outreach to the soldiers, family members, and Department of the Army (DA) civilians assigned to, attached to, or with duty in the National Capital Region (NCR).
Army Strategist Association
The Army Strategist Association is dedicated to furthering the study and practice strategy and the role of the military element of power in achieving national strategic objectives. The ASA preserves and fosters a spirit of mentorship and fellowship among military and civilian persons whose past or current duties affiliate them with the strategic arts.
Association of Quartermasters
The Association of Quartermasters (AQM) enhances the image and professionalism of Quartermasters worldwide by the dissemination of knowledge relating to professional development. AQM provides scientific, literary, educational, and professional tools for mentoring Quartermaster personnel.
Association of U.S. Cyber Forces
The Association of U.S. Cyber Forces, (AUSCF) is a non-profit association for cyber professionals from the military, other federal agencies (e.g., DHS, FBI), and members of the civilian community and industry who also serve in the interest of national security within cyberspace. AUSCF advocates for positive changes to law and policy that better serve our membership, improve the nation's professional cyber workforce, and help to reduce the gaps between private and public cybersecurity efforts.
Blackhorse Association
The Blackhorse Association, founded in 1969 and incorporated in 1970, is a non-profit, charitable, organization dedicated to serving our country and our fellow Blackhorse Troopers and their families. We remain committed to our founding principles: to honor comrades who gave their lives in the service of our country and Regiment, to preserve and strengthen comradeship formed in the Regiment, to proclaim and publicize the achievements and traditions of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, to support the troopers actively serving in the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, and to establish and provide educational scholarships for the children of the Regiment.
Civil Affairs Association
The Civil Affairs Association is a Veterans organization serving professionals of the United States' Civil Affairs community. Our members populate all walks of life, have served or are currently serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, or are the descendants of those who have honorably served and have chosen to continue serving the communities where they live.
Command and General Staff College
CGSC's mission is to educate and develop leaders for full-spectrum joint, interagency, and multinational Operations; act as lead agent for the Army's leader development programs; and advance the art and science of the profession of arms in support of Army operational requirements.
Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States
The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) was formally organized in 1972 with the goal of increasing the voice of enlisted persons in the National Guard. As such, EANGUS is a non-profit organization dedicated to the principles of providing an adequate national defense and promoting the status, welfare, and professionalism of the men and women of the Army and Air National Guard.
The Korea Defense Veterans Association
The Korea Defense Veterans Association (KDVA) supports the ROK-U.S. Alliance and the over 5.1 million Americans and millions of Koreans who served together in Korea. KDVA’s continued membership growth shows that Americans and Koreans care about our Veterans and the Alliance as well as the power of our members who are caring, talented, and want to contribute to KDVA’s mission. KDVA members are living reminders of the contributions by Veterans and the relevance of the Alliance.
Military Cyber Professionals Association
The Military Cyber Professionals Association (MCPA) is a national 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit and public charity with the mission of developing American military cyber professionals and investing in our nation's future through STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education. Emerging from Army Cyber Command funded research, the MCPA has thousands of members and serves the functions of a regimental association for the military cyber community including providing publications, events, medals, legislative engagement, chapters, and much more.
Military Order of the Purple Heart
The Mission of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, USA, Inc. is to Foster an Environment of Goodwill and Comaraderie Among Combat Veterans, Promote Patriotism, Support Necessary Legislative Initiatives, and Most Importantly, Provide Service to All Veterans and Their Families. Our Members Are Combat Wounded Veterans Who Are Dedicated to Our Country and Our Veteran Community. We Endeavor to Do Better for Each Other and by Each Other Always.
Military Order of the World Wars
MOWW is a patriotic, non-profit Veterans Organization whose motto is, 'It is nobler to serve than to be served.' Our vision is strong America, dedicated to preserving and advancing American ideals and founding principles. Our mission is to serve our nation and local communities by promoting responsible citizenship, patriotism, youth leadership, military and public service, veteran support, and strong national security.
The National 4th Infantry (Ivy) Division Association
The National 4th Infantry (Ivy) Division Association was formed in 1919 while the 4th Division was on occupation duty in Germany following WWI. The association is a non-profit War Veterans’ organization with a National organizational structure, of an Executive Board, Committees, and appointed Officers. In addition, geographic chapters of the association have been formed to cover the United States as well as Unit chapters.
National Association of the 10th Mountain Division, Inc.
The National Association of the 10th Mountain Division, Inc. preserves and enhances the legacy of the 10th Mountain Division while becoming a valued part of the lives of its members, their families, and their descendants into the 21st century.
National Guard Association of the United States
As one of the largest military lobbying organizations, NGAUS works to transform our members' ideas into legislative action & provide states & our members unified representation before members of Congress & their staff on the association's priorities.
National Infantry Association
The mission of the National Infantry Association' is to support the Chief of Infantry and the entire U.S. Army Infantry Branch (the only organization with this primary function); to share the camaraderie of like minded soldiers and citizens who believe in maintaining the Infantry spirit; to recognize, through our awards program, outstanding Infantrymen and Infantry supporters.
The National Ranger Memorial Foundation
The National Ranger Memorial Foundation, a 501c3, focused on preserving and improving the National Ranger Memorial at Ft. Moore, GA, celebrating U.S. Army Rangers' legacy. We also provide college scholarships for active, retired Rangers and their families.
The National Society of Pershing Rifles
The Pershing Rifles was founded on October 2, 1894 by a dedicated, and well trained group of cadets at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. These cadets represented the best the battalion had to offer. They took pride in themselves, and in each other as Pershing Riflemen. They set the example for others to follow, and maintained a level of professional and discipline that was emulated by their peers.
Old Guard Association
The Old Guard Association (TOGA) was formed as the result of a conversation between an Old Guard Regimental Commander and a former Old Guardsman during the 1997 Veteran's Day observance at Arlington National Cemetery. A series of follow-on meetings soon established clear-cut goals and a mission for TOGA.
Patriot Project
The Patriot Project is a grass roots movement to provide chiropractic care to all Active Military, their Families, Wounded Warriors and all Gold Star Dependents. It's a little known fact that chiropractic care is included in veteran's health benefits, and it's an underutilized option. The Patriot Project aims to change this by making chiropractic care readily available to our service members.
Rainbow Division Veterans Foundation
The Rainbow Division Veterans Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization dedicated to commemorating the deeds, sacrifices and traditions of the 42nd Infantry (Rainbow) Division through memorials, education and preserving the Legacy of the 42nd Division.
Redstone Federal Credit Union
Redstone Federal Credit Union® is the largest member-owned financial institution in Alabama and one of the largest federal credit unions in the nation by assets. Chartered in 1951, Redstone serves members nationwide and has its operations based in Huntsville, Alabama.
Senior Army Reserve Commanders Association
SARCA was organized in 1949 to serve as the professional association of Army Reserve senior leaders. Through the years SARCA has played an important role advocating for the Army Reserve, serving as a key resource for the Chief of the Army Reserve, and mentoring future general officers.
Signal Corps Regimental Association
The Signal Corps Regimental Association, or SCRA, is a private, nonprofit organization that provides an opportunity for all active, reserve, and national guard, officers, warrant officers, enlisted members and civilians, as well as any former members of the Signal Corps to aid in preserving for posterity the proud heritage of the U.S. Army Signal Corps Regiment, and Signal units throughout the world.
Space Force Association
The Space Force Association (SFA) is the only independent, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that serves as a professional military association whose sole focus is supporting the United States Space Force, United States Space Command, U.S. national spacepower at large, our global partners and allies' efforts in space exploration.
Special Forces Association
The Special Forces Association Serves as the Voice for the Special Forces Community; Perpetuates Special Forces Traditions and Brotherhood; Advances the Public Image of Special Forces and Promotes the General Welfare of the Special Forces Community.
The Flag and General Officers' Network
The Flag and General Officers' Network (TFGON) is an apolitical War Veterans Organization operated by and for our nearly 2000 admiral and general officer members of all services. Our mission is to enable admirals and generals to connect and serve for a lifetime. We establish partnerships and unique capabilities for members to serve our nation, to include civic engagement throughout our Capstone to Headstone lifecycle.
Transportation Corps Regimental Association
The Transportation Corps Regimental Association (TCRA), a non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of the U.S. Army Transportation Corps, its Soldiers, Civilians and the Army Logistics Corps' success. Founded in 1990 it was designed to support specific objectives of the Transportation Corps Regiment. TCRA equally prioritizes mentoring, networking, scholarships, and professional-personal development enhancement opportunities.
The ROCKS, Inc.
The mission of The ROCKS, Inc. is to strengthen the Officer and Senior Civilian Corps by serving as a world class organization that provides and promotes mentorship, coaching, scholarship, networking, leader diversity and professional development to leverage outreach opportunities and maximize talent across the U.S. Armed Forces.
U.S. Army Ranger Association
The U.S. Army Ranger Association, Inc., (USARA), is dedicated to preserving the heritage and spirit of the U.S. Army Rangers by strengthening the relationship among all U.S. Army Rangers (past, present, and future) and fosters camaraderie among those who have earned the title, U.S. Army Ranger, by providing an extended community for all U.S. Army Rangers and all U.S. Army Ranger families.
U.S. Cavalry and Armor Association
The U.S. Cavalry and Armor Association disseminates knowledge of the military art and sciences, with special attention to mounted maneuver in ground warfare and reconnaissance; promotes the professional development of its members; and preserves and foster the spirit, the traditions and solidarity of Armor and Cavalry in the Army and Marine Corps of the United States.
United States Army Officer Candidate Schools Alumni Association
The U.S. Army OCS Alumni Association is open to all graduates from both the active and reserve components. Membership provides opportunities for professional development, mentoring, connecting with former classmates and celebrating the legacy and traditions of the officer candidate schools.
United States Army Warrant Officers Association
The United States Army Warrant Officers Association serves as the preeminent professional association supporting Army Warrant Officers in all components and statuses (Regular Army, ARNG and USAR, whether currently serving, former, or retired) and their families.
United States Cavalry Association
The United States Cavalry Association (USCA) was organized on February 20, 1976, to preserve the history, traditions, uniforms, and equipment of the United States Cavalry from the Revolutionary War to the present; to sponsor the U.S. Cavalry Association's Cavalry Museum and U.S. Cavalry Memorial Research Library for educational purposes; and to preserve the literature used by the United States Cavalry throughout its history.
United States Field Artillery Association
The United States Field Artillery Association (USFAA) executes many programs that not only promote the Field Artillery in general, but also foster the development and recognition of members of every component of the Field Artillery Community. The Association's local chapters provide gunners and their associates a forum for the debate of contemporary issues as well as for the veneration of Redleg traditions.
US Army Ordnance Corps Association
USAOCA promotes the development, production, acquisition and support of weapons systems, ammunition, missiles and ground mobility material through research, quality education and the dissemination of research, educational material and knowledge of the military arts and sciences, with special attention to the role of the Ordnance Corps in ground warfare.
West Point Association of Graduates
West Point Association of Graduates (WPAOG) is the Alumni Association & Foundation for the United States Military Academy (USMA). Our mission is to serve West Point and the Long Gray Line; our Vision is for the Long Gray Line to be the most highly connected alumni body in the world.