02 August 2023 General Membership Meeting
02 August 2023 General Membership Meeting
Austin, Texas
The Texas Capital Area Chapter hosted a general membership meeting at Camp Mabry, Austin, Texas. Our guest speaker was Kenneth Wisian, Ph.D/Major General USAF (Retired). Dr. Wisian is the Associate Director, Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geo-science, The University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Wisian is also a retired Major General (USAF) with a very distinguished military career serving as the Commander, 147th Reconnaissane Wing and Assistant Adjutant General - Air for the Texas National Guard.
Dr. Wisian provided a most impressive presentation on the Department of Defense study and utilization of Geothermal Energy. His presentation was very informative and well received by our membership. Dr. Wisian not only made a presentation on the future use of Geothermal Energy, but highlighted the prototype development of six DOD locations across the United States to construct geothermal power plants to provide electrical energy through turbines in the continental US. One of these locations will be at Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base in Houston, TX.
Our meeting was attended by National Guard and active duty soldiers from the Texas Army National Guard as well as Army Futures Command. We also had a number of our retired military chapter members in attendance at the meeting.
During the meeting our Chapter President, Garry Patterson informed the chapter of our selection as Category III Best Chapter for 2023. He also recognized our Community Partners and presented certificates of appreciation to BAE Systems - Austin. We conducted a membership drive and manned a membership information table at this meeting.