Defense Strategy Calls for Cultivating Talent

Defense Strategy Calls for Cultivating Talent

The 2018 National Defense Strategy calls for more emphasis on “cultivating” the military and civilian workforce and continued reforms to cut defense costs while improving performance.

Talent management efforts would apply to uniformed and civilian personnel.

For civilian workers, the document says the military “requires a motivated, diverse and highly skilled civilian workforce.” To get that, DoD “will emphasize new skills” with information experts, data scientists, computer programmers and basic science researchers and engineers. They’ll be expected to “use information, not simply manage it,” the document says.


MoH Recipient Groberg Gives Advice for Hiring Vets

MoH Recipient Groberg Gives Advice for Hiring Vets

MoH recipient Florent Groberg encourages human resources professionals to pay more attention to a veteran’s story and less attention to their resume when hiring

Applying Soldier Skills to Civilian Jobs

Applying Soldier Skills to Civilian Jobs

Feb. 1, 2017

Soldiers apparently make excellent firefighters.

A recent RAND Corp. analysis of the best civilian job matches for the 10 most populous Army military occupational specialties lists firefighter as a “high-quality” match for nine of those MOSs.

The explanation offered by RAND researchers makes sense: Firefighting “requires individual and team movement, navigation through unknown environments, proficiency with equipment, communications with both hand signals and by radio, strength, fitness, and an ethos of duty and responsibility,” the report says.