Military units must embrace tools that harness available data to accelerate and improve decision-making. For example, machine learning techniques make it possible for brigade combat teams to forecast readiness rates for their combat fleets and the risk of harmful soldier behaviors, such as suicide...
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Like many other U.S. Army leaders, for as long as I’ve been a soldier, the Army profession has been my guidepost. Before I was even fully aware of what it meant to be a professional, the “sound craftsmen” I looked up to—those who pursue work for its own value and who I aspired to emulate—inspired me...
As of 2022, Basic Combat Training lacked emphasis on foundational tactical skills and concepts essential for individual survival in large-scale combat operations, skills such as noise and light discipline, personal and positional camouflage, fighting positions to increase survivability, security...
Food is an essential element of soldiers’ quality of life, and the U.S. Army is all in on modernizing its installation food program. Aimed at keeping up with the times and what soldiers today want and need, the service is holistically seeking to offer healthy, convenient and accessible options...
Looking beyond the commonly accepted interpretation of the American War of Independence provides more insight for military professionals seeking to understand war and educate themselves for it. According to the customary view, the American Revolution started in 1775, with the battles of Lexington...
Any future conflict the U.S. Army is called upon to fight will involve its allies. Be it in the Indo-Pacific Theater or European, the Army must strive toward a more interoperable force. Soldiers and allies must practice together the way they plan on fighting together in wartime. By interacting more...
How Helicopters Got Those Famous Names On Warriors’ Wings: Army Vietnam War Helicopters and the Native Americans they were Named to Honor. David Napoliello. Global Collective Publishers. 448 pages. $34.95 By Scott Gourley, Contributing Editor At the confluence of aviation technology, individual...