June 2012 AUSA News
June 2012 AUSA News
Obama, Karzai sign partnership agreement in Afghanistan
President Barack Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai signed an agreement that commits the nations to negotiating and building a strategic partn
Sgt. Felipe Pereira receives Distinguished Service Cross
A humble 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) soldier received the nation’s second-highest military honor in a ceremony April 12 at McAuliffe Hall
Army medics train at Fort Bragg to deal with mass casualties
Service members train to hone their skills both on and off the battlefield throughout the year, testing their abilities to perform in different env
NCOs Foutz and Payne win 2012 Best Ranger Competition
The 29th Annual David E. Grange Jr.
Army families: Prepare for your military move
As the summer moving season rapidly approaches, soldiers, civilians and families need to plan ahead to mitigate the stress of relocating.
First Army training mission ensures readiness for future contingencies
AUSA’s Institute of Land Warfare has recently released a new publication."First Army: Training for Today’s Requirements and Tomorrow’s Contingencie
‘Submit a Resolution’ - Important
AUSA chapters and members are encouraged to submit proposed resolutions to the 2012 AUSA Resolutions Committee for consideration.Prior to the Assoc
Army ‘Green Warrior Convoy’ will travel from Detroit Arsenal to D.C.
The Army announced plans April 11 for a "Green Warrior Convoy" to demonstrate and educate the value of science and technology in Army vehicles.Kath
Army tactical commo network tested and evaluated
The NIE Project Manager Current "Trail Boss" teams have loaded and verified equipment for more than 40 different networked systems.
Assessments conducted to mitigate risk to soldiers
In advance of the major field exercise for the Army’s new tactical communications network, engineers are putting systems through their paces.
AUSA members asked to submit proposed resolutions for 2013
As a member-based organization, AUSA annually solicits proposed resolutions from its membership.Throughout the spring and summer months, individual
NIE 12.2 extends Army tactical network connectivity
In November 2011, the Army concluded its second Network Integration Evaluation (NIE.)The NIE consists of a series of semi-annual field exercises to
Odierno discusses Army values and sexual assault prevention
During a tour of the European theater, the Army chief of staff, Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, sat down for a podcast with U.S.
Recovering soldiers prepare to get ‘back to the fight’
Soldiers recovering from Traumatic Brain Injury had the chance to see if they were ready to get "back to the fight" during simulated combat skills
Soldier input is the cornerstone of NIE 12.2 exercise
The flashy systems may attract a lot of attention, but it is the soldiers who get the final say when it comes to evaluating new network technologie
Soldiers experience realistic command post training
Soldiers from the 1st Battalion, 35th Armor, 2nd Brigade, 1st Armored Division, are heavily involved in the Network Integration Evaluation 12.2, or
Strategic flexibility moves personnel and equipment around the world
AUSA’s Institute of Land Warfare has released a new publication – "Third Army: Empowering Theater Responsiveness by Synchronizing Operational Maneu
Tactical communication network planned for 8 brigade combat teams
The Army is preparing to field up to eight brigade combat teams (BCTs) with an advanced, integrated tactical communications network beginning early