Fort Leonard Wood-Mid Missouri Chapter Blog Posts

Coffee & Camaraderie: Holiday Edition

What a great morning celebrating women who serve!

Our guest, Lori Heitman, former CID Special Agent, spoke briefly about finding your purpose and passion in order to take care of yourself in the best way.

Each female veteran/service member received a holiday stocking of self-care items and a copy of the book, “The Gifts of Imperfection,” by Brene Brown.

Sergeant Major of the Army Visits Fort Leonard Wood

APRIL 19, 2024—During a visit to Fort Leonard Wood this week, Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael R. Weimer and U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Com. Sgt. Maj. Raymond S. Harris joined senior leaders from the installation and community leaders for a social hosted by AUSA Fort Leonard Wood Mid-Missouri.

AUSA and Blood Donor Center Celebrates Year of Success

December 23, 2023— The Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Fort Leonard Wood Mid-Missouri Chapter teamed up with the Fort Leonard Wood Blood Donor Center in 2022 to recognize units and organizations of excellence in supporting the Armed Services Blood Program through donations. The program is set up as the 100 Donor Club and provides an AUSA Giving4Living streamer to the unit as well as the unit name and date engraved on a large plaque in the donor center facility reception area.

Chapter Honors 500th Vietnam-Era Veteran

December 18, 2023—The Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Fort Leonard Wood Mid-Missouri Chapter honored the service and sacrifice of Vietnam-Era Veterans as well as their family members during a ceremony in Waynesville Friday. The Chapter is among organizations nationwide who honors veterans who served from Nov. 1, 1955, to May 15, 1975, regardless of service location.

Bridging Generations of Women in Service

Bridging Generations of Women in ServiceBy Brittany Raines, AUSA Fort Leonard Wood Mid-Missouri

With many female veterans in the community, the Association of the United States Army Fort Leonard Wood Mid-Missouri Chapter is working to provide the opportunity to bring their stories and the stories of those currently serving to the forefront. 

A Weekend with Warriors: Veteran Pheasant Hunt

OCTOBER 16, 2023--Nearly 60 service members and veterans were selected to participate in the
inaugural Weekend with Warriors and Pheasant Hunt in Rolla, Mo. From currently serving drill sergeants
to a nearly 40 year retired Lieutenant Colonel, all who attended had more in common than one would

Vietnam-Era Veterans Honored in Pinning Ceremony

AUSA Fort Leonard Wood Mid-Missouri hosted it's third Vietnam-Era Pinning Ceremony in Rolla with Phelps for the Fort and the Rolla Chamber of Commerce on June 27, 2023 at Community Partner location, Columbia College. The ceremony honored 185 Vietnam Veterans and had approximately 400 community members in attendance. 

2023 Chapter Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations to our 2023 AUSA Fort Leonard Wood Chapter Scholarship winners! 

It is our Chapter’s commitment to our Army and its families that makes this possible!

This year, the Chapter was able to give 12 $500 scholarships to the following recipients:

Isabella Yeo
Lily Peace
Alyssa Hillman
Aaron Williams
Zachary Hale
Kesare Garcia
Sarah Hilburgh
Neo Klosterman
Hanna Kim
Anna Bartosh
Isabella Tsurkan
Jeremy Weber


AUSA Fort Leonard Wood Mid-Missouri Chapter Hosting Vietnam-Era Veteran Pinning Ceremony

The Chapter will be hosting a second Vietnam-Era Veteran Pinning Ceremony this year on April 12, 2023 in Lebanon, Missouri. CSM(R) Freddie Brock, Chapter VP of NCO and Soldier Programs, expects at least 75 Veterans to be recognized on this date. The Guest Speaker for this ceremony will be Mr. Keith Pritchard, Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army Missouri West. In addition, the event will be supported by the Camdenton JROTC Cadets.

To register for the event, contact CSM(R) Freddie Brock at

Chapter Recognizes Vietnam Veterans

The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration program recognizes and thanks Vietnam Veterans for their service and sacrifices. Our Chapter is proud to be a commemorative partner.