Top 10 reasons to become a member of AUSA
Top 10 reasons to become a member of AUSA
The Association of the United States Army is the Army’s professional association and has, for over 60 years, provided support for soldiers and family members.I believe that every soldier – active, guard, reserve and retired – should be an AUSA member.AUSA’s strength can be found in its membership and chapters. That’s why membership is important.Members are AUSA’s lifeblood. They give us clout and credibility on Capitol Hill.AUSA is the voice for America’s Army, and the more members we have, the more effective we are. With every new member, AUSA’s voice – your voice – becomes stronger.Every year at this time, AUSA’s 122 worldwide chapters begin working on their 2011 membership campaigns.Plans are being approved, committees are being formed and speakers are being recruited for upcoming membership events.I want to do my part so, in the spirit of David Letterman, I have assembled my Top 10 Reasons why you should be a member of AUSA.I have limited myself to 10, but the fact of the matter is that I have just scratched the surface.I am sure you could add all the great things that your chapter is doing and the list would be considerably longer.So here we go.The Top 10 Reasons for belonging to the Association of the U.S. Army:10. Last year AUSA produced many important educational, advocacy, and publications in support of Army professionalism.9. AUSA publishes a professional magazine and newspaper with worldwide circulation. Both are award winning publications – ARMY Magazine and AUSA NEWS.8. AUSA conducts professional development forums and symposia focusing on contemporary military issues throughout the year.7. AUSA is your credible and respected voice on Capitol Hill.6. AUSA membership is for everyone – active, guard, reserve, retirees, veterans, government employees, family members, industry partners, business men and women, and concerned citizens. We are the Army Family!5. AUSA’s Annual Meeting and Exposition held each October in Washington is the largest and most important Army professional development forum in the world.4. AUSA chapters gave over a million dollars to benefit soldiers and families last year.3. AUSA and its chapters award thousands of dollars in scholarships annually to soldiers and family members.2. You believe in AUSA’s mission: "Keep America’s Army Strong!"1. And, the number one reason for being a member of AUSA: AUSA is your association and every professional soldier, every Army leader, and every supporter of America’s Army should be a member.Individually we are "Army Strong" – together we are "AUSA Strong!"Still Serving!