22 Aug 2023 TCAC Hosts National Security Innovation Council Photo's
22 Aug 2023 TCAC Hosts National Security Innovation Council Photo's
22 August 2023
Austin, TX
The Texas Capital Area Chapter and the National Security Innovation Council jointed hosted a reception in support of the Fed SuperNova conference being conducted in Austin, Texas.
The reception was well attended with more than a 100 guests from all over the USA. The reception was an opportunity for military, industry and academic leaders to interact and share time to promote coordination and support of our National defense.
The reception was hosted at the Texas Association of Business, building at 316 West 12th Street, Rooftop patio in downtown Austin. The Texas Capital Area Chapter provided the food and beverages for this reception. This venue is one of the closest locations to the Texas State Capital building and provides excellent viewing of beautiful downtown Austin. The reception was an outstanding opportunity to allow networking for our guest and allowed our chapter leadership to provide information about our chapter and highlight our plans for 2024 AUSA activities. We also were available to discuss opportunities for membership in our chapter. We plan to continue our support for these special receptions in the future to aid in our objective of Communicating, Informing and Connecting our AUSA chapter and the US Army to the general public and industry leaders in our area.