Holly Dailey

Holly Dailey

HDailey Staff photo


Holly A. Dailey is an Army spouse of 31 years to the 15th Sergeant Major of the Army Daniel A. Dailey. She is an advocate for military families and has served in various levels of leadership for many military volunteer organizations. Holly holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and has worked mostly in the financial and business management fields and taught in several school districts. She was a Federal Service Employee for seven years and for her exemplary Federal Service, she received the Outstanding Civilian Service Medal, the Commander’s Award for Civilian Service, and the Commander’s Award for Public Service.

Over the years, her volunteerism in military organizations occurred at many installations. She has served as a Care Team leader and advisor, Soldier and Family Readiness Group leader and advisor, First Sergeant and Company Commander Spouse Program advisor, Civilian and Volunteer Awards Program advisor, Volunteer Advisory Council advisor, and School District Community Liaison to name a few.

Mrs. Dailey devoted her time to volunteerism and supporting her husband’s duties when he served as the 15th Sergeant Major of the Army. As the top Enlisted Senior Spouse Advisor, she advocated for military families of 1.2 million soldiers on programs and policies through her involvement with various organizations, boards, and Army programs such as the Army Family Action Plan Steering Committee, the Army Survivor Advisory Working Group, Army Emergency Relief Board, Defense Senior Enlisted Leaders’ Council Spouse Program, Department of Defense Spouse Ambassador Network, the Defense Health Agency Senior Spouse Leaders Workgroup, and the Department of Labor Military Spouse Employment Workgroup where she assisted in launching the Military Spouse Interstate Occupational License Recognition. Mrs. Dailey has also represented Army Families in many congressional and White House forums, including the House Armed Services Committee and Joining Forces. Holly’s leadership led to creating the first Army Senior Enlisted Spouse Council, the Army Senior Enlisted Mentorship Program, and the Nominative Spouse Seminar at Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Additionally, she provided mentorship, guidance, and counsel to the Pre-Command Spouse Course at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and the Spouse Leadership Development Course at Fort Bliss, Texas. For her volunteer work and community contributions, Mrs. Dailey was awarded many volunteer service honors including the President’s Call to Service Award, the Secretary of the Army Distinguished Public Service Medal, and the Secretary of the Army Public Service Award.

Holly is the Association of the United States Army’s Family Readiness Director and continues to serve on various government and non-government boards as an advisor and advocate for military families to include providing input for Congressional recommendations that supports Family Readiness.