Installation Upgrades Focus on Efficiency, Self-Sufficiency
Installation Upgrades Focus on Efficiency, Self-Sufficiency

The Army has two big goals for installations, moving to make them self-sufficient for at least 14 days without outside power, water and other utilities, and trying to harness technology to improve efficiency and security and reshape installation services, said Jordan Gillis, acting Army secretary for installations, energy and environment.
Speaking March 20 at a Hot Topic forum hosted by the Association of the U.S. Army’s Institute of Land Warfare, Gillis said achieving these goals is complicated by the fact that many installations are in poor condition because of inadequate or unpredictable budgets.
It will take time to make all Army installations prepared for two weeks of operating without outside utility services, Gillis said. Those with units designated for early mobilization will be the first to get resources allocated to power, water, gas and other services, Gillis said.
The Army is looking at installation operations and procedures to identify vulnerabilities and efficiencies, while also examining improvements in quality of life and quality of work functions, he said. “Installations play a role in recruiting and retention,” he said. In trying to attract personnel, it helps for installations to be viewed as “a place where skilled soldiers want to be.”