AUSA Releases 2 New Podcasts in May
AUSA Releases 2 New Podcasts in May

The Association of the U.S. Army is releasing two new podcasts in May as part of its relaunched “Army Matters” series.
First up is a podcast featuring retired Brig. Gen. Ty Seidule, a 36-year Army veteran who recently was the vice chair of a commission tasked with renaming military installations and other assets honoring Confederate leaders.
Growing up in the South, Seidule was raised to revere Confederate Gen. Robert Lee, but he came to realize that Lee was an enemy of the Army and shouldn’t be celebrated. A professor emeritus at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, where he taught for two decades, Seidule is the author of Robert E. Lee and Me: A Southerner’s Reckoning with the Myth of the Lost Cause.
During the podcast, which is available May 10, Seidule will talk about his own journey and the work of the Naming Commission, which was mandated by the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act.
Next up is a podcast featuring Darrell Utt, chief of business operations for the National Medal of Honor Museum Foundation. A Special Forces veteran who retired from the Army in 2017, Utt will talk about his service in the Army, which included 10 deployments and missions tracking down war criminals in Kosovo and high-value targets in Iraq, and how he transitioned into a successful civilian career.
The National Medal of Honor Museum in Arlington, Texas, is slated to open in 2025.
The podcast will be available May 24.
First launched in February 2019, AUSA’s podcast underwent some major changes last year, with a new show design, increased storytelling chops and a focus on leadership lessons across the Total Army. The new version of “Army Matters” was officially introduced Oct. 10.
Additionally, the series has moved from weekly releases to every other Wednesday and will feature inspirational leadership stories, current issues for NCOs, military families’ journeys and in-depth discussions on the Army’s past and future.
Full details on the podcasts are available at Listeners also can subscribe to “Army Matters” for updates.