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2024-09-11 23:51:16
2024-09-11 23:51:16
Na Koa Wounded Warrior Canoe Regatta
Download Printable Event Flyer
3 Ways to participate
Click on the upper right corner of the website registration page.
- CLICK DONATE - Any amount helps
- CLICK DONATE to Purchase a Priority 10x10 Tent location for $250- LIMITED TO FIRST 20 entities.
- CLICK DONATE to sponsor a team at the Early Bird registration $150 and provide your own "swag bag" for the 5 paddlers - your Company T Shirt / Hat etc for Race Day. Receive recognition for sponsoring a team day of event.
- CLICK SIGN UP - Create your own team to participate in the VETERAN DIVISION. We'd like you to have fun and have as many Veterans on your team as possible.
We had to limit the number of teams for this event.
- 20 Wounded Warrior/ Gold Star Teams ( Sponsored by AUSA Pacific Region)
- 40 Veteran Teams - Combat / Retired/ Active
- 5 paddlers per team - Steers person to be provided by AUSA - NO EXCEPTIONS
AUSA always welcomes Donations to support our mission. This year if you wish to support a team from the VETERAN Division you may do so beyond your Annual membership if you desire. We are not having levels of Sponsorship this year. We are taking this event back to the origins of a day at the Beach with Fellowship and Fun and honoring our Wounded/ Gold Star families and Veterans.
07:40 AM to 16:00 PM at Fort Derussy Beach Park (Google Map Link)
THANK YOU on behalf of the entire Committee and Dukes OceanFest. See you at the beach.
Email questions or concerns to