Hampton Inn St. Robert/Ft. Leonard Wood

103 St. Robert Plaza Drive
St. Robert, MO 65584
United States

Add to Calendar 2025-02-10 20:28:34 2025-02-10 20:28:34 AUSA 5th Region Meeting 2023 Description Location AUSA developers@unleashed-technologies.com UTC public


Looking forward to our 5th Region Meeting next Month from 22-24 March 23 at Fort Leonard Wood, MO! 

Our theme is: Momentum, Traction and Engagement!


The host hotel is The Hampton Inn, Saint Robert/Fort Leonard Wood  

Hampton Inn 

103 St. Robert Plaza Drive, St. Robert, MO 65584


March 22-25

Cutoff date March 10, 2023

Booking link



Our Agenda will be more specific as we fine tune our focus...but know that we will have a lot of information to discuss...there will be two way communication in order to share successes, challenges. You will also have an opportunity to engage Teammates from AUSA National and collaborate on new programs, efforts and priorities.

Please plan to arrive and attend the Ice Breaker Social from 1700-1900 on 22 March at the Hampton Inn. Heavy Hors d'oeuvres and beverages will be provided. 

Thursday and Friday Calendars will be at the Hampton Inn and on Fort Leonard Wood. Thursday Evening will be a dinner and we will conclude at 1600 on Friday (Those that will not travel until Saturday, we will have dinner options available). There will be a $100 registration fee to cover the meal costs.

The Region Meeting is open to any of your Chapter Officers to attend. It would be great to see your VP's for other programs: VP for Membership, NCO and Soldier Programs, Young Professionals, Family Programs, Government Affairs, etc. 

Chapters that need assistance in funding for an extra Member to attend, send me a note and request.

Please let me know by email who will be attending from your Chapters NLT 10 March 23.

Thanks again and looking forward to seeing you all. 




Rick Morris

Command Sergeant Major, US Army Retired

Fifth Region President

Association of the United States Army