AUSA's Thought Leaders - Talent Management

AUSA's Thought Leaders - Talent Management

Add to Calendar 2025-02-10 19:32:26 2025-02-10 19:32:26 AUSA's Thought Leaders - Talent Management Description Location AUSA UTC public

AUSA’s Thought Leaders webinar series—an extension of our Thought Leaders podcast— focuses on senior military leaders and contemporary military authors. Thought Leaders seeks to educate the public on critical issues affecting land forces and strategy.

Please join us on Thursday, 3 June 2021 at 1400 EDT to hear a panel discussion on the future of U.S. Army Talent Management, moderated by retired Army Lieutenant General Susan Lawrence, the former Army CIO/G-6.

The Army is modernizing at a rapid pace; as an integral part of this modernization, it is making more improvements than ever before in managing its most important asset: people. How will the Army manage its people in the next 10–15 years as it transitions to a Multi-Domain Operating System? Join us as Mr. Michael J. Arnold, Deputy Director of the Army Talent Management Task Force, and members his team discuss the move toward a richer data environment that, through detailed analytics and better information, will give the U.S. decision dominance among great-power competitors. With this improved knowledge, the Army will be able to see its people by more than just grade or military occupational specialty; the Army will be able to synchronize the right Soldier with the right equipment for future conflicts.
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Lieutenant General Susan Lawrence, U.S. Army, Retired

Former CIO/G-6 and Commanding General, Army Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM)



Mr. Michael J. Arnold

Deputy Director, Army Talent Management Task Force

Colonel Scott O'Neal

Strategic Initiatives Group Lead, Army Talent Management Task Force

Lieutenant Colonel Kristin Saling

Data/AI Lead, Army Talent Management Task Force

Dr. Jay Goodwin

Senior Research Scientist, Army Research Institute for Behavioral and Social Sciences

