Peace and Stability: Operating in a Complex World

Peace and Stability: Operating in a Complex World

AUSA Conference & Event Center

2425 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22201
United States

Hosted by the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) in cooperation with the Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI)
Add to Calendar 2025-01-17 11:41:11 2025-01-17 11:41:11 Peace and Stability: Operating in a Complex World Description Location AUSA UTC public

Overall Theme and Objective

Peace and Stability are a critical part of the Department of Defense's (DoD's) mission. Promoting stability in a volatile strategic environment remains one of our nation's top concerns. Influencing local actors and establishing capacity to counter violent extremism require the full range of DoD's capabilities integrated with the other instruments of national power. Stabilization is not an activity the U.S. military may do but is an activity the U.S. military is doing and will continue to do.

With the breakdown of regional and state order in the Middle East, North Africa and the Levant, the continuing challenges in Central Africa and the return of great-power politics, the U.S. military is conducting stability operations today as part of the continuing effort to support U.S. national interests. It is likely that the military may become more involved in the future.

On 28 September 2015 President Barack Obama issued a new presidential policy pledging U.S. government support of UN peace operations. This policy calls for the United States to aid in partnership-building efforts, expand direct contributions to UN peacekeeping efforts, push for systemic reforms, commit new staff officers, logistics support and troop training and oversee civil-military command exercises. 

The Army as the Joint Proponent for Peace and Stability Operations has an opportunity to shape the joint force to meet these future requirements and demands.   

These two panels on Peace and Stability Operations will address these issues and look for opportunities to shape a future that achieves U.S. national objectives.


DASD Anne A. Witkowsky
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
Stability and Humanitarian Affairs
U.S. Department of Defense

Eric Wolterstorff, Ph.D.
Sovereignty First

Stability Operations Opportunities: Presentations and Discussions

Peace Operations Opportunities: Presentations and Discussions
