Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony

Monday, October 8, 2018 to Monday, October 8, 2018



3rd United States Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard)
Fife & Drum Corps
The United States Army Band, Pershing's Own


GEN Carter F. Ham
United States Army, Retired
President and CEO
Association of the United States Army


Chaplain (COL) Terry Austin
Military District of Washington
United States Army


The Honorable Mark T. Esper  
Secretary of the Army

National Award Presentations

General Creighton W. Abrams Medal
The Honorable Thomas J. Ridge
Major General Anthony J. Drexel Biddle Medal
Antonia “Toni” Schuman
Lieutenant General Raymond S. McLain Medal
Major General Jessica L. Garfola Wright
United States Army, Retired
Major General James Earl Rudder Medal
Command Sergeant Major Joseph R. Sweeney
United States Army, Retired
Sergeant Major od f the Army William G. Bainbridge Medal
Command Sergeant Major Robert W. Van Pelt
United States Army, Retired
The Joseph P. Cribbins Award
Army Civilian of the Year
Command Sergeant Major Jesse Sablan
United States Army, Retired
The AUSA Volunteer Family of the Year
Staff Sergeant Vincent Pastore and Family
The AUSA National Service Award
Walmart Inc.
Presentation of Chapter and Division/Command Awards