ARMY Magazine: Writer's Guidelines
ARMY Magazine: Writer's Guidelines
Updated Nov. 7, 2024
ARMY magazine, a monthly publication of the Association of the U.S. Army, focuses on professional development, strategy, operations and military history for an audience of current and former soldiers, the defense industry and those who support the Army.
Contributed articles are gladly accepted for review. We only use unpublished work.
Articles or proposals for articles should be submitted to the editors for review by email or mail. The email address is: The mailing address is: Editor in Chief, Army Magazine, 2425 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201.
Details on submissions
We accept factual articles, typically 1,200 to 1,800 words. We also accept commentaries or op-eds, typically 800 to 1,300 words. If you have not written for us before, we encourage you to send a story proposal, outline and writing samples.
We do not accept unsolicited book reviews, but if you are interested in reviewing Army-related books, let us know and describe your areas of interest or expertise. We no longer publish poetry or cartoons.
Submitted articles should be in Microsoft Word or plain text, sent as an email attachment or in the body of an email. Do not embed photos or graphics in your text file. Submissions by mail should be double-spaced. Manuscripts will not be returned.
ARMY magazine articles and commentaries do not include footnotes. ARMY is not a scholarly journal that publishes academic papers. We want easy-to-read articles that are free as possible of jargon and acronyms. However, we gladly accept footnotes in submissions because they help in fact-checking. As a general rule, please avoid using personal pronouns.
Commentaries should be thought-provoking essays about Army topics. As an educational nonprofit association, we do not publish commentaries on partisan political topics.
We encourage writers to suggest a headline for their article or commentary. It is a suggestion, and we may change it.
Author biography
Your submission should include a biography, placed at the bottom of the article. We keep them short, focused on your current job or title if that adds value to why you are writing about this topic.
We will fact-check and copy edit your article. We will convert things to Associated Press style.
We encourage authors to submit photographs but make no promises to use them. We can only use high-resolution digital photos. We prefer the digital images sent as separate files. If file sizes are large, they could be sent one at a time due to server limitations.
Captions should be included as well as the source of the photo.