Texas Capital Area Chapter Blog Posts


Mark your calendars for the following AUSA Texas Capital Area events:

  • October 11-13, 2021 AUSA Annual Meeting & Exposition, Washington, DC
    • Joint Fort Hood, Capital TX Chapter Reception
  • Nov 3, 2021 Texas Capital Area Chapter General Meeting, Camp Mabry, Bldg. 8 Auditorium, 1200 hrs
  • Dec 1, 2021 Texas Capital Area Chapter, National Guard Birthday Celebration and guest speaker, Camp Mabry
  • Dec 11, 2021 Army/Navy watch party
  • Dec - Army Futures Holiday Ball (tentative)

Chapter Meeting: September 1, 2021 (1200 hrs)

We are honored to have, MG Patrick Hamilton, Commanding General, 36th Infantry Division "Task Force Spartan", Texas Army National, as a special guest speaker. The 36th Infantry Division has recently returned from deployment to the middle east. General Hamilton will discuss the success of his mission and the lessons learned from this historical event.

GEN (Ret) Carter F. Ham Visit to the Texas Capital Area Chapter at Camp Mabry, Austin, TX

GEN (Ret) Carter F. Ham, President/CEO of the Association of the United States Army visited with the leadership and Community partners of the Texas Capital Area Chapter on 16 September 2019 at Camp Mabry, Austin, TX.  General Ham also at a formal office call with MG Tracey Norris, The Adjutant General of Texas.  A luncheon was held in the Texas Military Forces Museum, Hall of Honor Conference room.  Approximately 40 personnel were in attendance at the luncheon which was hosted by the chapter.

244th US Army Birthday Celebration - 14 June 2019, Camp Mabry, Austin, TX

On 14 June 2019, the Texas Capital Area Chapter of the Association of US Army celebrated the 244th Birthday of the United States Army.  The event has held at Camp Mabry in Austin, Texas.  It was well attended by members for the Texas Army National Guard, US Army retirees, Department of the Army civilian employees, and members of the US Army Futures Command staff.  The celebration was held in coordination with the Texas Capital Area Chapter general meeting which featured a presentation on the recent visit to Normandy France by our chapter President, MG (Ret) Robert Halverson and 1st VP, COL

2018 Texas Capital Area Chapter Election of Officers

On Wednesday, 5 December 2018 the Association of the United States Army, Texas Capital Area Chapter hosted its general membership meeting at Camp Mabry, Austin, Texas.  It provided an opportunity for our chapter to conduct election of officers and appointment of members to the Texas Capital Area Chapter Executive Committee.  MG (Ret) Robert L. Halverson was elected Chapter President and COL (Ret) Garry D. Patterson was elected to the position of 1st Vice President.  Our new president also appointed the following members to service on our Executive Committee:  Mr.

General Membership Meeting Notes - 5 September 2018

On Wednesday, 5 September 2018 the Association of the United States Army, Texas Capital Area Chapter hosted its general membership meeting at Camp Mabry, Austin, Texas.  This meeting was the first opportunity for our chapter to learn more about the recently established US Army Futures Command in Austin, Texas.  Our guest speaker was COL Patrick R.