Noon Report: Three Dangerous Men: Russia, China, Iran, and the Rise of Irregular Warfare

Noon Report: Three Dangerous Men: Russia, China, Iran, and the Rise of Irregular Warfare

Add to Calendar 2024-06-01 07:38:18 2024-06-01 07:38:18 Noon Report: Three Dangerous Men: Russia, China, Iran, and the Rise of Irregular Warfare Description Location AUSA America/Chicago public

AUSA’s Noon Report webinar series features presentations by senior Army leaders responsible for key programs and initiatives, as well as contemporary military authors who weave together the past, present and future story of the United States Army.

AUSA’s Noon Report Webinar series invites you to join us on Wednesday, 30 March 2022, at 12:00 PM EDT, to hear a presentation by Seth G. Jones, author of Three Dangerous Men: Russia, China, Iran, and the Rise of Irregular Warfare. Events in Ukraine underscore the need to understand the Russian way of war. Mr. Jones will discuss the current military strategies of our most dangerous rivals.

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Seth G. Jones, PhD
Author of Three Dangerous Men



Major General John G. Ferrari
U.S. Army, Retired


About the Book

Three Dangerous Men book cover

Three Dangerous Men: Russia, China, Iran, and the Rise of Irregular Warfare

In Three Dangerous Men: Russia, China, Iran, and the Rise of Irregular Warfare, Jones examines how three key figures in Moscow, Beijing and Tehran built irregular warfare campaigns that are eroding American power. Rather than engaging in the conventional warfare that defined the previous century, the principal adversaries of the United States today—Russia, China and Iran—have adopted a different style of competition. Cyber attacks, covert action, proxy conflicts, information and disinformation campaigns, espionage and economic coercion are the tools of irregular warfare, and they will increasingly reshape international politics. In short, the future of warfare is likely to be closer to what is described by Sun Tzu rather than the military theories delineated by Carl von Clausewitz.



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