21 June 2024 Chapter President Attends AFC Strategic Outreach Showcase Event

21 June 2024 Chapter President Attends AFC Strategic Outreach Showcase Event

AFC Information Sharing

Austin, Texas


Texas Capital Area Chapter President, COL (Ret) Garry Patterson, attended the Army Futures Command, Strategic Outreach Showcase social networking event at the Army Futures Command Headquarters. The Directorate of Integration at United States Army Futures Command hosted this event to continue their series of community engagements from their initial engagement which was held on 25 April, 2024.

This social networking and information exchange meeting underscores the ongoing commitment to strengthening military-civilian partnerships within our local community by Army Futures Command. This event was promoted as an engaging “AFC Showcase and Networking Happy Hour,” where you will have the opportunity to connect with various stakeholders, including military, government organizations, non-government organizations (NGOs), community influencers, academia, and industry players. The event highlighted current programs and ongoing activities of Army Futures Command and then seamlessly transitioned into a happy hour designed to foster networking opportunities.

Our chapter president, COL (Ret) Patterson was joined by several of our executive committee members, COLs (Ret) Chris Doneski, Brian Cook, and Danielle Morrissey. Additionally, we were happy to connect with a number of our community partners from BAE, Bell Helicopter, Raytheon Missile Systems, IBM, and Capital Factory. This was a great opportunity to share the AUSA story with many of the guest present at the social networking event.

The senior leadership from Army Futures Command, GEN James Rainey, Commanding General of AFC, MG Miles Brown, Chief of Staff, AFC, and CSM Brian Hester were present and shared their time with those in attendance. The objective of this event was to allow stakeholders to learn more about upcoming initiatives like the Human Machine Integration Summit and VERTEX, and to network with the diverse gathering of stakeholders, The agenda for this event was as follows: 4:00 PM: Opening Remarks, 4:05 PM: Directorate of Integration on Human Machine Integration (HMI), 4:10 PM: DEVCOM Army Research Lab (ARL) South), 4:15 PM: Army Applications Lab (VERTEX), 4:20 PM - 6:30 PM: Networking Happy Hour This networking engagement hosted by Army Futures Command was most successful and provided a great opportunity to share time and communicate with senior members of the Army Futures Command team.