AUSA AFC Defense Innovation Social 19 April 22
AUSA AFC Defense Innovation Social 19 April 22
AUSA Texas Capital Area Chapter Community Partners and members of the Executive Committee attended a social at the Capital Factory to help celebrate those attending VERTEX | Energy hosted by the Army Applications Laboratory. The social was a great opportunity for our Community Partners to network at the end of the first day of interesting sessions and discussions.
About VERTEX | Energy:
Help close the gap between the US military and the commercial world through a meaningful exchange of technical information among peers.
VERTEX | Energy is the concentrated source of energy market intelligence for the US Army. Hosted by Army Futures Command (AFC) and the Army Applications Laboratory (AAL), VERTEX | Energy places commercial experts and innovators at the center of the conversation to explore and examine the current state of energy and power technology.
This 3-day symposium affords founders, investors, and market experts a rare opportunity to baseline product differentiation while informing the US Army’s approach to next-gen energy and power.
This was an exclusive opportunity to learn where investors, industry leaders, and entrepreneurs across markets are focused; Understand the hardest problems the Army is trying to solve and how your tech could help and build relationships in a community of purpose that is working to advance energy technology.