Army Builds Ability to ‘Blind, See and Kill’ Adversaries

Soldiers from the 106th and 216th Cavalry Regiments of the Illinois National Guard train on a live-fire range at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin.
Army Builds Ability to ‘Blind, See and Kill’ Adversaries

The U.S. military should expand its thinking when it comes to anti-access/area-denial capabilities, a panel of experts said during a recent Association of the U.S. Army Hot Topic on fires.

Anti-access/area-denial, or A2/AD, refers to “actions or capabilities” that prevent adversarial forces from entering an operational theater, or that restrict their freedom of movement within a theater.

Scale, Speed Challenge Fires Transformation

Soldier with drone
Scale, Speed Challenge Fires Transformation

While the Army has been trying to see farther at least since the Civil War, it is now working to leverage data and unmanned systems to push even deeper into the battlefield, a panel of experts said Dec. 3.

“We’ve been here before. What’s different is the scale and speed,” Brig. Gen. Rory Crooks, director of Army Futures Command’s Long-Range Precision Fires Cross-Functional Team, said during a panel discussion that was part of an Association of the U.S. Army Hot Topic on fires.

Obstacles Remain as Army Transforms Fires Capabilities

Missile launch
Obstacles Remain as Army Transforms Fires Capabilities

Despite “significant progress” in transforming its fires portfolio, the U.S. Army is not yet capable of overmatching potential adversaries in protracted large-scale combat operations at an acceptable degree of risk, according to a new paper by the Association of the U.S. Army.

AUSA Hosts Hot Topic on Long-Range Fires

Hot Topic logo
AUSA Hosts Hot Topic on Long-Range Fires

Registration is open for an Association of the U.S. Army Hot Topic on long-range precision fires.

Scheduled for Dec. 3 at AUSA headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, the daylong Hot Topic is titled “Land-Based Fires in Large-Scale Combat Operations.”

During the event, speakers and panelists will highlight the integration of ground-based fires within the broader context of multidomain operations and underscore their importance in ensuring operational success.

Army Boosting Efforts to Counter Drone Attacks

Army Undersecretary Gabe Camarillo speaks at AUSA2024
Army Boosting Efforts to Counter Drone Attacks

Shooting down drones has become one of the Army's top battlefield priorities in recent years, as the threat of roadside bombs downrange has given way to threats hovering overhead.

"This has been one of the most stressed elements of the Army," Army Undersecretary Gabe Camarillo said during a panel Oct. 14 at the Association of the U.S. Army's Annual Meeting and Exposition.

Guam Defense Critical Amid ‘Massive Threats’

Soldier operating THAAD
Guam Defense Critical Amid ‘Massive Threats’

Guam, a tiny but strategic U.S. territory in the Western Pacific, is most vulnerable to “the pacing threat of China,” and defending it is critical to the joint force operating in the Indo-Pacific theater, senior Army leaders said.

Army Seeks to Create New Space MOS, Branch

Lt. Gen. Sean Gainey speaks at AUSA Coffee Series event
Army Seeks to Create New Space MOS, Branch

To boost expertise in space operations, the Army is working to establish a new space MOS and branch, said Lt. Gen. Sean Gainey, commander of Army Space and Missile Defense Command. Work also is underway to push critical space capabilities down to the tactical level.

AUSA-CSIS Event Highlights Guam Defense

Soldier with long range fires equipment
AUSA-CSIS Event Highlights Guam Defense

Efforts to provide comprehensive air and missile defense of Guam will be the focus of the next Strategic Landpower Dialogue co-hosted by the Association of the U.S. Army and the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

The event on July 30 will feature Lt. Gen. Robert Rasch, director of the Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office and executive officer of the Joint Program Office for the Guam Defense System, and Brig. Gen. Frank Lazano, program executive officer for missiles and space.

Gainey Speaks at AUSA Coffee Series

Lt. Gen. Sean Gainey speaks to troops
Gainey Speaks at AUSA Coffee Series

Lt. Gen. Sean Gainey, commanding general of Army Space and Missile Defense Command, will speak July 23 at a Coffee Series event hosted by the Association of the U.S. Army.

The in-person event will take place at AUSA headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. The event opens at 6:30 a.m. Eastern with registration, coffee and networking. The program is scheduled to begin at 7:15 a.m.

It is free for military members, government employees and the media.