Army Magazine and AUSA News Articles about the Chief of Staff of the Army

Soldiers’ Innovation Drives Army Transformation

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George speaks at an AUSA Coffee Series event
Soldiers’ Innovation Drives Army Transformation

Bottom-up innovation continues to drive the Army’s transformation as the service seeks to move “at the speed of change,” Army Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George said.

“Our soldiers are very innovative. They are very welcoming of this change. They can move at this kind of speed,” George said Jan. 29 during a Coffee Series event hosted by the Association of the U.S. Army. “I’m a believer in bottom-up innovation. … Our challenge is the processes back here to support all of that.”

Army Chief Speaks at AUSA Coffee Series

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George
Army Chief Speaks at AUSA Coffee Series

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George will speak Jan. 29 as part of the Association of the U.S. Army’s Coffee Series.

The event will take place at AUSA headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. The event opens at 6:30 a.m. with registration, coffee and networking. The program is scheduled to begin at 7:15 a.m.

For more information or to register, click here.

George: Army Transformation Must Be Agile, Adaptive

Industry partners with UAV
George: Army Transformation Must Be Agile, Adaptive

When it comes to manufacturing, the biggest challenge facing the Army is the service’s approach to it, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George said.

“It’s a process change, that’s what we’ve got to get after,” George said Dec. 7 during a panel discussion at the Reagan National Defense Forum in Simi Valley, California. “I think that’s the biggest challenge we have.”

Army Transformation Takes ‘All of Us’

Gen. Randy George, Chief of Staff of the Army, speaks at AUSA2024
Army Transformation Takes ‘All of Us’

In its bid to transform quickly to meet rapidly rising threats, the Army is expanding its “transforming in contact” initiative to get more new technology into soldiers’ hands.

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George announced “transforming in contact 2.0” on Oct. 15 in his keynote speech at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Luncheon during the Association of the U.S. Army’s Annual Meeting and Exposition.

George’s Eisenhower Address is Day 2 Highlight

AUSA Annual Meeting logo
George’s Eisenhower Address is Day 2 Highlight

The highlight of Day Two of AUSA 2024 is the Dwight D. Eisenhower Luncheon address by Army Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George, but there also are many events for soldiers and family members.

On-site registration opens at 7 a.m.

In the morning, Lt. Gen. Jonathan Stubbs, the new director of the Army National Guard, will lead a seminar titled “Transforming the Army’s Combat Reserve for Global Campaigning and Large-Scale Combat.”

Army Rolls Out Operational Deployment Pay

Army senior leaders speak at AUSA 2024
Army Rolls Out Operational Deployment Pay

Calling it a “teeny bit of news,” Army Secretary Christine Wormuth announced a new monetary benefit for soldiers who go on operational deployments of 60 days or more.

The new benefit, called Operational Deployment Pay, is $240 a month and is effective immediately retroactive to Oct. 1, Wormuth said during a meeting with reporters at the Association of the U.S. Army’s 2024 Annual Meeting and Exposition in Washington, D.C.

AUSA Leader Solarium Provides Feedback to Senior Leaders

Association of the U.S. Army’s Leader Solarium
AUSA Leader Solarium Provides Feedback to Senior Leaders

The Army’s top leaders launched the Association of the U.S. Army’s Leader Solarium with a briefing on the service’s priorities and encouraged participants to provide feedback about theirs.

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George provided the “view from our foxhole,” along with Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael Weimer, by addressing recruiting, budgetary constraints and his plan to tackle how the Army processes change.

Senior Army Leaders Will Headline AUSA 2024

Annual Meeting logo
Senior Army Leaders Will Headline AUSA 2024

This year’s Association of the U.S. Army Annual Meeting and Exposition will highlight the Army’s efforts to transform, modernize and restructure for the future fight.

George: Total Army Needed to Combat ‘Dangerous World’

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Randy George speaks at the 2024 NGAUS conference in Detroit.
George: Total Army Needed to Combat ‘Dangerous World’

Facing unprecedented global volatility, rapidly evolving technology and changes in the character of warfare, the U.S. needs all components of its Total Army, the service’s top officer said.