XVIII Airborne Corps Soldiers Joining Helene Response

Soldiers providing hurricane relief
XVIII Airborne Corps Soldiers Joining Helene Response

Up to 1,000 soldiers from the XVIII Airborne Corps will deploy to western North Carolina to provide critical aid to the communities affected by Hurricane Helene, the Pentagon announced Oct. 2.

XVIII Airborne Trains for Indo-Pacific Fight

Soldiers marching
XVIII Airborne Trains for Indo-Pacific Fight

For the first time, XVIII Airborne Corps is conducting a warfighter exercise that simulates contingency operations in the Indo-Pacific Theater under the command of U.S. Army Pacific.

Launched on Aug. 1, the 10-day warfighter, dubbed a “campaign of learning” by senior leaders, is centered on the responsibilities of corps- and division-level staffs and leaders who will plan, prepare and fight against simulated near-peer forces in large-scale combat operations, said Gen. Andrew Poppas, commander of Army Forces Command.

AUSA Releases 2 New Podcasts in May

Army Matters logo
AUSA Releases 2 New Podcasts in May

An emerging veteran-owned company honoring an iconic World War II unit and the Army’s role in recovery efforts at Baltimore’s Key Bridge will be highlighted in May as part of the Association of the U.S. Army’s Army Matters podcast series.

First up is a podcast featuring Ruben Ayala, a Special Forces veteran who is now CEO and founder of Triple Nikel.

AUSA Releases 2 New Podcasts in September

Army Matters logo
AUSA Releases 2 New Podcasts in September

The Association of the U.S. Army is releasing two new podcasts in September as part of its relaunched “Army Matters” series.

First up is a podcast featuring members of the 82nd Airborne Division All-American Chorus, which wowed millions across the country earlier this summer with a performance on the NBC talent show America’s Got Talent.

XVIII Airborne Corps Shifts Focus

Panel at AUSA Warfighter
XVIII Airborne Corps Shifts Focus

In a changing world, the XVIII Airborne Corps has expanded its focus on Army culture to improve installations, including housing and other facilities, reduce distractions and let soldiers concentrate on readiness.

11th Airborne Reactivated in Alaska

Soldiers don the new 11th Airborne Division patch
11th Airborne Reactivated in Alaska

The historic 11th Airborne Division is back on the Army’s active rolls.

With a focus on operations in extreme cold weather and high altitudes, the division was reactivated June 6 during ceremonies at Alaska’s Fort Wainwright and Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson.

AUSA Releases 5 New Podcasts in January

army matters logo
AUSA Releases 5 New Podcasts in January

The Association of the U.S. Army is kicking off 2022 with five new podcast episodes in January, including an interview with the leaders of the 173rd Airborne Brigade and an update from the 5th Security Force Assistance Brigade.

First up in the “Army Matters” series is an interview with Christine Lathrop, AUSA’s deputy director of membership, who will talk about the association’s “Welcome Back” campaign and how AUSA membership supports soldiers and the Army.

The episode is available Jan. 3.