The Spotlight series highlights key issues relevant to the U.S. Army and its role in national defense. They are distributed amongst the military and civilian leadership of the United States Army and the Department of Defense, selected segments of the American public, members of Congress, key congressional staff, industry and the administration.
"Fires for Effect”: Implications for Large-Scale Combat Operations
by Colonel Daniel S. Roper, USA, Ret., Charles McEnany and Major Young Joo, USA
(Spotlight 24-3 / December 2024)
The Russo-Ukrainian War: Protracted Warfare Implications for the U.S. Army
by Charles McEnany & Colonel Daniel S. Roper, USA, Ret. (Spotlight 24-2, October 2024)
"Be All You Can Be" – The U.S. Army's Recruiting Transformation
by LTC Frank Dolberry, USA & Charles McEnany (Spotlight 24-1, January 2024)
The Russia-Ukraine War One Year In: Implications for the U.S. Army
by Charles McEnany & COL Daniel S. Roper, USA, Ret. (Spotlight 23-1, March 2023)
The U.S. Army's Security Force Assistance Triad: Security Force Assistance Brigades, Special Forces and the State Partnership Program
by Charles McEnany (Spotlight 22-3, October 2022)
Multi-Domain Task Forces: A Glimpse at the Army of 2035
by Charles McEnany (Spotlight 22-2, March 2022)
Achieving Decision Dominance through Convergence: The U.S. Army and JADC2
by LTC Brittany Lloyd, USA, and Jeremiah Rozman, PhD (Spotlight 22-1, February 2022)
Fires for Effect: 10 Questions about Army Long-Range Precision Fires in the Joint Fight
by LTG Stephen Lanza, USA, Ret., & COL Daniel S. Roper, USA, Ret. (Spotlight 21-1, August 2021)
The Synthetic Training Environment
by Jeremiah Rozman, PhD (Spotlight 20-6, December 2020)
The Chemical and Biological Attack Threat of Commercial Unmanned Aircraft Systems
by LTC Claude A. Lambert, USA (Spotlight 20-5, October 2020)
Expanding Multi-Domain Operations to Win Moral Competition
by COL Christopher Holshek, USA, Ret. (Spotlight 20-4, August 2020)
The U.S. Army and the U.S. Space Force
by LTG Richard P. Formica, USA, Ret. (Spotlight 20-3, June 2020)
Integrated Air and Missile Defense in Multi-Domain Operations
by Jeremiah Rozman, PhD (Spotlight 20-2, May 2020)
Massed Fires, Not Organic Formations: The Case for Returning Field Artillery Battalions to the DivArty
by COL David E. Johnson, USA, Ret., and LTG David D. Halverson, USA, Ret. (Spotlight 20-1, April 2020)
Precision Logistics: Sustainment for Multi-Domain Operations
by MAJ Bradley Cooper, USA (Spotlight 19-4, September 2019)
Urbanization and Megacities: Implications for the U.S. Army
by Jeremiah Rozman (Spotlight 19-3, August 2019)
Military Personnel Policy: An Untapped Modernization Opportunity
by MAJ Isaac Wisniewski, USA (Spotlight 19-2, April 2019)
Manning the Army of 2028: Recruitment Modernization
by MAJ Bradley Cooper, USA, and Michael Wang (Spotlight 19-1, March 2019)
Maneuver Robotics and Autonomous Systems: Enhancing Tactical Maneuver
by Tyler Wesley (Spotlight 18-5, November 2018)
Seizing the High Ground - United States Army Futures Command
by COL Daniel S. Roper, USA, Ret., and LTC Jessica D. Grassetti, USA (Spotlight 18-4, October 2018)
Energy Resilience: An Imperative for a More Lethal, Agile and Strategically-Relevant Force
by COL Daniel S. Roper, USA, Ret. (Spotlight 18-3, August 2018)
Regaining Tactical Overmatch: The Close Combat Lethality Task Force
by COL Daniel S. Roper, USA, Ret. (Spotlight 18-2, April 2018)
Modernization for Industrial Age U.S. Army Installations
by COL Patrick M. Duggan, USA (Spotlight 18-1, February 2018)
Securing the Army's Weapon Systems and Supply Chain against Cyber Attack
by LTG Larry Wyche, USA Ret., and Greg Pieratt (Spotlight 17-3, November 2017)
Integrating Army Robotics and Autonomous Systems to Fight and Win
(Spotlight 17-2, July 2017)
Army Intelligence: Focus Areas for Science and Technology
(Spotlight 17-1, April 2017)