October 2023
October 2023

A Note from the Chapter President
Hi everyone,
I want to welcome everyone who is getting this newsletter. I am especially grateful for your personal commitment to support and be a part of the AUSA community. My goal is to show you the value of becoming a member and make sure once you decide to join, you get more than you expect!
We have a busy month ahead. I will be attending the Association of the US Army Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. It is a huge event, with 26,000 participants and hundreds of Defense Industry companies displaying their products. As Chapter President, I will represent the Rhode Island Chapter and our accomplishments this past year supporting Soldiers and their families. I hope to share some of the highlights with you in the next newsletter.
Additional events coming this month include, a Yellow Ribbon event in support of a post deployment taking place in Warwick, and a first Inaugural Ardent Brigade Solider and Family Quality of Life Workshop at the Naval Station Newport, RI. The goal of the workshop is to bring together the team that supports the Ardent Brigade—there are subordinate units in six different states (RI, MA, NY, CT, PA, and NC) – all at one time, in one place to engage in an open “round table” type dialogue regarding improving the Quality of Life for our Soldiers and Families.
Thank you,
Sheri Boucher, LTC-R
AUSA RI Chapter President
The Association of the United States Army (AUSA) advocates In support of the Total Army and our membership:
Total Army: Regular, National Guard, Reserves, Army Civilians, Families, Survivors, Caregivers, and Veterans.
AUSA Membership: Individual Members. National and Community Partners, and Association Partners.
AUSA supports efforts to strengthen the Total Army- which is integral to national security.
Are you a current RI Chapter AUSA Member?
Click here to join our FREE Basic Membership!
Join our Premium or Lifetime Membership by clicking here.
Need to renew or upgrade? Click here.
All are open to ALL Military, Veterans and Civilians.
Community Partnerships are also available and welcomed! Click here to join or renew.
There are many member benefits! Download our AUSA Value list of benefits here, and/or visit our website at https://www.ausa.org/chapters/rhode-island-chapter to learn more!
Upcoming Veteran Event
The Glocester Country Club &
The Marine Corps League
are inviting all Veterans & Active Duty Personnel
to Golf for FREE in their
Saturday, November 11th
Breakfast at 10:00 AM & 11:00 AM Shotgun
Format: 9 - Hole Scramble
A brief ceremony prior to shotgun start will honor all Veterans
Veterans & Active Duty Military Receive Complimentary Entry Fee, Carts, Continental Breakfast, Dinner & Complimentary Drinks & Sweatshirt.
A gathering in the clubhouse will be held after the tournament for the announcement of winners and awards. A Raffle will be held with proceeds donated to Wreaths Across America 2023, Sponsored by Ponagansett High School.
For More Information and to register,
Contact: Vin LaFazia at (401) 233-2564
For the veteran. Thank you for bravely doing what you're called to do, So we can safely do what we're free to do.