2025 Q1 Alabama Military Spouse Advisory Council Convenes

2025 Q1 Alabama Military Spouse Advisory Council Convenes

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By Jennifer Holliday 

Alabama Military Family Liaison 

The Alabama Military Spouse Advisory Council was launched in the Fall of 2024 as a unique networking and community engagement experience for military-connected spouses across all defense communities in the state. The Council’s Introductory Meeting was held on November 21, 2024, inside the Alabama Military Spouse Mentorship-HUB (AL-HUB). The AL-HUB is a virtual platform powered by the Military Spouse Advocacy Network (MSAN) through a unique partnership with the Alabama Military Stability Foundation (ALMSF).

The Council was chartered for Members to engage with local military-connected spouses and communities, as well as military and community leaders, on behalf of the Alabama Military Family Liaison. Through these engagements, the Council will support and assist efforts by Alabama’s leadership and the Alabama Military Family Liaison to improve quality of life for military-connected families living in and moving to the state.

All Council Meetings will be held quarterly, recorded, and available to military-connected spouses who join the AL-HUB. Additional benefits to joining the AL-HUB include the ability to:

  • Submit questions/concerns/comments to the Council in advance of each meeting
  • Join and participate in live meetings with the Council
  • Continue the conversions with the Council, individual Council Members, and the Military Family Liaison inside the Al-HUB
  • Network with other military spouses in their local defense communities and across the state
  • Learn about and gain contacts for vetted resources
  • Gain access to other resource-based content and mentorship provided by MSAN as they continue to expand mentorship, training, and networking opportunities inside the AL-HUB.

While the intent of this first meeting was simply to introduce current Council Members to each other and to members of the AL-HUB, each quarterly meeting will cover a specific quality of life topic, such as local resource awareness, childcare, and military spouse employment.

The Council’s goals include:

  • Expanding the state’s network of support and engagement for military-connected spouses and families
  • Connectivity with state-level advocacy occurring on behalf of military-connected families
  • Insight on resources to share with other military spouses and families
  • Community engagement with and on behalf of local military spouses and families
  • Discovering and sharing opportunities within each defense community for military-connected spouses to establish and expand their own personal and professional networks

Alabama leads the nation with this unique approach to elevating the military spouse voice and facilitating communication, networking, and camaraderie for the State’s military-connected spouses.

The Council concept was first conceived by an active-duty military spouse who is now also a Council Member, making it a truly by-spouses-for-spouses program from idea to implementation. State, local, and military leaders are excited for the opportunity to engage with military spouses and families in such a unique way. Council Members also appreciate the enhanced connectivity across all aspects of military and local quality of life topics. 

“This is how to create communities that are ‘military thriving.’” -Heather Campbell, MS, RDN; Alabama Military Spouse Advisory Council Guest Member and Concept Originator

The military-connected community tends to thrive in collaborative environments, supporting something greater than themselves. Many states, businesses, and nonprofits across the country are realizing the impact military-connected spouses and Veterans offer when brought into an arena as an employee, volunteer, or advocate. However, sometimes it is difficult for them to connect with and understand the military community. 

The Council will serve as a bridging conduit to help solve this problem by building networks, sharing information, and making connections through new and expanding opportunities. 

Military-connected spouses living in and moving to Alabama can join the free AL-HUB experience and observe the Military Spouse Advisory Council Meetings by applying for membership through the Alabama Heroes Welcome Initiative website at https://www.heroeswelcome.alabama.gov/alabama-mentorship-hub/.