Future Combat Systems: Taking the Current Force into the Future
Future Combat Systems: Taking the Current Force into the Future
Future Combat Systems (FCS) represents the Armyís primary initiative to reduce or eliminate capability gaps in the Future Force assessed against the estimated capabilities of future enemy threats. The FCS program is the centerpiece of DOTMLPF (doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leader development, personnel and facilities) solutions for the Future Force. It is tied directly to achieving concepts and capabilities to meet the needs of the future Joint Force.FCS will consist of a family of advanced, networked air- and ground-based maneuver, maneuver support and sustainment systems. It employs a revolutionary, integrated architecture to help meet the future Joint and Army commandersí requirements. These capabilities include networked communications, networked operations, sensors, battle command systems, training platforms, and both manned and unmanned reconnaissance and surveillance capabilities. These will enable improved situational understanding and operations at a level of synchronization heretofore unachievable