Fiscal Year 2008 Army Budget: An Analysis
Fiscal Year 2008 Army Budget: An Analysis
The Army today faces one of the most challenging periods in the nation’s history. It is fighting the Global War on Terror and conducting operations in Iraq and Afghanistan while transforming and modernizing to a strategically agile, expeditionary force reliant on modular brigades. These brigades will allow the Army to fulfill the central role that will be demanded of landpower in the 21st century and deal with the full spectrum of challenges the nation will face.To maintain the highest quality force, the Army is pursuing initiatives to produce and sustain a full spectrum of capabilities to defend the homeland, sustain the long war, conduct irregular operations and wage conventional campaigns. To meet the needs of the nation and adapt to the challenges Soldiers will face, we must continue to improve these capabilities.To maintain the highest quality force, the Army is pursuing initiatives to produce and sustain a full spectrum of capabilities to defend the homeland, sustain the long war, conduct irregular operations and wage conventional campaigns. To meet the needs of the nation and adapt to the challenges Soldiers will face, we must continue to improve these capabilities.Win the long war;Sustain the All-Volunteer Force;Build readiness for today and tomorrow’s challenges;Accelerate the future force modernization strategy and implementation;and Restation Army forces.Fiscal Year 2008 Army Budget—An Analysis details the resources required for the Army to accomplish its missions today and tomorrow. It examines the Army’s proposed budget in the context of the federal and DoD budgets and breaks down requests according to funding authority and programs, from Soldiers’ pay to research and development. The analysis explains budget terminology and procedures, including the supplemental funding process that is necessary for the Army to sustain the current level of operations and provide for Soldiers.The Association of the United States Army fully supports the Army—active, Army National Guard, Army Reserve, Army civilians and the families and communities who stand behind them all—as it faces its many challenges. Fiscal Year 2008 Army Budget—An Analysis is just one of many ways we speak out on issues important to the American Soldier, American landpower and the security of the nation and the world.