The Armys Interest in Space Control
The Armys Interest in Space Control
The Army is critically dependent on space capabilities to enable and enhance land warfare. Virtually every Army operation uses space capabilities. Today, space is used largely for its ability to enhance the effectiveness of combat forces, particularly in the areas of communication, navigation, locating and targeting the enemy, and anticipating weather. As a result, space capabilities that have an impact on the Armyís land warfare capability must be protected. Likewise, when critical to the military forces of the United States, such tremendous asymmetrical advantages must be denied to an adversary.The Army views space as a vertical extension of the battlefield and an integral part of the battlespace, one that has been especially instrumental during the ongoing Global War on Terrorism. The Armyís transformation integrates space into all phases of planning and operations as a core element of that process. The Armyís future force, serving as part of the joint force, has even more adaptable and lethal capabilities, which further extend the advantage of the ultimate high ground. The rapidly changing nature of warfighting results in a growing Army interest in protecting and denying capabilities in space.The Armyís dependence on space will increase as space-based capabilities enable future force concepts of information superiority, enhanced situational awareness, and high-tempo, noncontiguous operations. The use of space will increase as technology provides more flexible, less expensive space access, and supports development of a more comprehensive and integrated suite of warfighting tools. History and the rate of technological advancement clearly demonstrate that the time will come when space not only enhances land warfighting capabilities but also becomes key terrain in and from which combat engagements occur.