James Lechner
James Lechner

James Lecher is a is a 1989 graduate of The Citadel and a retired U.S. Army Infantry Officer who served for 27 years in six wars, operational deployments and operational tours in Sinai, Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan. Some of his achievements in Iraq are recounted in the books A Chance in Hell and A Soldier’s Dream and are also depicted in the movie American Sniper. When Lechner was interviewed regarding whether the use of snipers is an ethical choice in warfare, specifically in connection to discussions around the film American Sniper, in which Bradley Cooper portrayed Chris Kyle—the Navy SEAL who was America’s deadliest sniper and who served alongside him—Lechner argued that snipers save lives. “Using snipers shows the greatest amount of restraint. . . . Innocent people are not getting killed.”
Lechner has also served at the national policy level, including advising the National Security Council at the White House and numerous tours at the Central Intelligence Agency. He holds an MA in History and teaches U.S. History as an Adjunct Professor at Liberty University. Currently, he is serving as a military advisor during the Russo-Ukrainian War, for which he has covered almost every major battle from the ground as a war correspondent with Newsmax.