CSM Andrew J. Lombardo
CSM Andrew J. Lombardo

Command Sergeant Major of the Army Reserve
Command Sergeant Major Andrew Lombardo enlisted in the United States Army in 1985. He attended One Station Unit Training (OSUT) at Fort McClellan, Alabama where he graduated from the US Army Military Police School. He completed a two year Active Duty commitment with the United States Military Academy Military Police Company at West Point, New York. After being released from Active Duty, he enlisted in the United States Army Reserve in Long Island, New York, where he served in every non-commissioned officer leadership position in various units within the 77th RRC. He was selected as Honor Graduate from PLDC, BNCOC, and the First Sergeants course. He is a 2006 graduate of the United States Sergeants Major Academy. In 2015, CSM Lombardo graduated from both the Army Force Management School and the National Defense University Reserve Component National Security Course. He is a 2016 graduate of the University of Kansas School of Business Army Leader Strategic Broadening Program, and was selected as Honor Graduate from the United States Army War College Nominative Leader Course 17-03. Most recently, in 2019, CSM Lombardo completed the National Defense University Keystone 19-02 Command Senior Enlisted Leader Course in joint and combined studies.
CSM Lombardo most recently served as CSM of the 200th Military Police Command, Fort Meade, Maryland. Previously, he served as Division CSM of the 99th Readiness Division at Joint Base McGuire, Dix Lakehurst, CSM of the 100th Training Division (Leader Development) and CSM of the 333rd Military Police Brigade, 306th Military Police Battalion, the 301st Regional Support Group and the 1079th Garrison Support Unit.
During CSM Lombardo's 33 years of distinguished military service, he has served in six overseas deployments including Operation Desert Shield/Storm, Operation Joint Guard Bosnia, Operation Joint Guardian Kosovo, twice in service in Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan).
His awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal (awarded twice), the Meritorious Service Medal (3rd award), the Army Commendation Medal (7th award), the Army Achievement Medal (5th award), the Navy Achievement Medal, the National Defense Service Medal (with two Campaign Stars), Air Assault Badge, the German Armed Forces Badge for Weapons Proficiency in Gold (Schützenschnur Gold), and the Meritorious Unit Citation (awarded twice).
In his civilian career, he is currently a Police Executive holding the rank of Deputy Inspector with the New York City Police Department.
CSM Lombardo earned a Master of Science Degree in the Administration of Justice from the University of Louisville. He is a 2007 Honor Graduate of the prestigious Southern Police Institute and a 2016 graduate of the Naval Post-Graduate Institute Executive Leaders Course. CSM Lombardo is a New York State licensed Emergency Medical Technician and a Nationally Certified Emergency Medical Technician.
CSM Lombardo is a native New Yorker. When not working, he enjoys running marathons, hiking, diving, motorcycling, and traveling.