Colonel (Retired) David Miller
Colonel (Retired) David Miller

COL(R) Dave Miller is a senior US Army Infantry Officer with proven performance leading and managing complex organizations ranging in size from 30 to over 22,000 to meet the full range of worldwide military operations – including combat operations, homeland security, and global response. Demonstrated performance ranging from crisis action planning and execution to strategic planning and development. A versatile leader adept at leading collaborative/ multifunctional efforts of multi-national, interagency, diverse groups to identify and solve complex problems. Extensive experience coaching, teaching, mentoring leadership and team skills.
He is a “muddy boots” soldier experienced in tactical, operational, strategic levels of warfare and Military Training Management - individual through combined, JOINT and multi-national.
Dave’s leader philosophy is based on six pillars: fitness, execute the basics, standards, commanders command & NCO’s run units, teamwork, do the right thing.
Dave earned an ROTC commission as an Infantry officer and a BS in forestry from the University of Montana. His 30+ years Army assignment experience includes:
Chief of Staff, 1st Infantry Division
Brigade Commander, 2d Brigade Combat Team, 10th MTN Div (Combat Deployment OIF 10)
Battalion Commander, 1-14 Infantry BN, 2 BDE, 25th ID (Combat Deployments SFOR; OIF 2)
Deputy Commander, Brigade Modernization Command
Deputy Commander, Joint Readiness Training Center
JOINT Staff Officer, JFCOM J3
Battalion Executive and Operations Officer, 2-87IN, 10th MTN Div (Combat Deployment)
Rifle and HQ Company Commander, 1-9 Infantry, 7th ID(L)
Bradley Fighting Vehicle Platoon Leader, CO XO, BN S4; 1-7 IN, 3d ID Germany
Small Group Instructor, Maneuver Captains Career Courses
Company Commander, Infantry Officer Basic Course
Among his activities since active-duty retirement Dave has worked as the Training Quality Manager for the National Guard’s Mission Command Training Support Program and served as Senior Subject Matter Expert in developing the Army’s Dense Urban Terrain – Training Complex Master Plan (Parsons Corp).
Dave’s military education includes the Infantry officer basic and advanced courses, Command and General Staff College, Armed Forces Staff College (JOINT), The Army War College. He holds master degrees from Central Michigan University and the Army War College.
His awards and decorations include the Combat and Expert Infantryman’s Badge, Ranger tab, Parachutist badge; Legion of Merit (OLC), Bronze star (OLC), DMSM, MSM(4 OLC), ACM (OLC), AAM, AFEM, GWOT E and S, NATO medal, AFRM, Overseas, NDSM(OLC); The JOINT Meritorious Unit Award, Valorous Unit Award (2 OLC), Meritorious Unit Award (OLC).
Dave and his wife Gina live in Washington state. They have two children and two grandchildren.