COL Jim Greer, U.S. Army Retired

COL Jim Greer, U.S. Army Retired

Colonel (Ret) Jim Greer, Armor, graduated USMA in 1977 and served 30 years in CONUS, Europe and the Middle East, including combat operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and the Balkans. He commanded an infantry-heavy battalion task force in Bosnia, led the OIF Study Group in the invasion of Iraq, was Chief of Staff of MNSTC-I and commanded 1st Armor Training Brigade. Agent of change, futurist and concept developer, he played a significant role in Army transformation for Force XXI digitization and the Objective Force, was the Army’s representative to DOD’s Revolution in Military Affairs and led the transformation of Initial Entry Training from a Cold War paradigm to one that prepared Soldiers for 21st Century combat. An educator and trainer he taught tactics at West Point and was the Director of the School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS). Today he is retired and still supports the Nation teaching, writing and thinking.