TRADOC Chief: ‘No Single Domain Can Dominate’
TRADOC Chief: ‘No Single Domain Can Dominate’

The commanding general of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command stressed the essential relationship between the Army and the companies that regularly support warfighters during Monday’s corporate member luncheon at the Association of the U.S. Army’s Annual Meeting and Exposition.
“The journey that is the United States Army is the journey of the United States itself,” Gen. David G. Perkins said. “We’re looking at the journey in ways that we haven’t done before, using the past for lessons learned and how those might affect the future. We’re looking at the future [as] informed by the past.”
Perkins noted that “all domains are contested today,” and stressed the importance of multidomain strategies and purposes.
“Emerging technologies require joint force integration of domains,” he said. “No single domain can dominate. We have to take a look at all of our domains and provide freedom of action throughout and across all domains—and do so at a rate faster than our enemies.”
As the Army maneuvers information and action around the battlefield, Perkins said, the question in multidomain battles is, “What can we do in the land domain that will affect air domain, and the maritime domain?”
In noting that the U.S. Army is actually one year older than the United States itself, “we are leveraging not just our way of war, but our culture as well,” Perkins said.
The corporate member luncheon was hosted by retired Maj. Gen. Patricia P. Hickerson, a member of the AUSA’s Council of Trustees.