Maneuver Leaders Speak at AUSA’s Warfighter Summit

Maneuver Leaders Speak at AUSA’s Warfighter Summit

AUSA Warfighter Summit image.
Photo by: AUSA

Leaders from Army Training and Doctrine Command, Army Futures Command, Army Special Operations Command, the XVIII Airborne Corps and more will speak at the Association of the U.S. Army’s Warfighter Summit and Exposition in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Scheduled for July 26–27 at the Crown Complex near Fort Liberty, the two-day, in-person summit is a leader and professional development event focused on the warfighter. This is the second year AUSA is hosting the Warfighter Summit.

This year’s theme is “America’s Army: Ready for Today, Modernizing for 2030 and Beyond.”

The summit’s primary focus is the soldier and the defense industry professionals who support the warfighter, and topics of discussion will span the six warfighting functions and highlight the way Fort Liberty’s operational force can win on the future battlefield.

There also will be exhibits showcasing the latest from industry.

To register for the Warfighter Summit or for more information, click here.

The Warfighter Summit opens July 26 with a keynote presentation by Gen. Gary Brito, commanding general of Training and Doctrine Command.

There will be a fireside chat with Maj. Gen. Donn Hill, commanding general of the Army Security Force Assistance Command, a panel discussion with leaders from the XVIII Airborne Corps to include Lt. Gen. Christopher Donahue and Command Sgt. Maj. T.J. Holland, a panel featuring industry partners, and a panel on irregular warfare campaigning featuring Maj. Gen. Patrick Roberson, deputy commanding general of Army Special Operations Command and other experts.

The second day of the summit includes a panel discussion on the maneuver force of 2030 and 2040 featuring Maj. Gen. Curtis Buzzard, commanding general of the Army Maneuver Center of Excellence and Fort Moore, Georgia, Col. Rhett Thompson, director of Futures Command’s Maneuver Capabilities and Integration Directorate, and experts from the armor and infantry schools.

There also will be fireside chats with Lt. Gen. Kevin Vereen, deputy Army chief of staff for installations, G-9, and later with Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael Grinston. An afternoon panel will feature command sergeants major from across Army Forces Command, and the day will end with a keynote presentation by Gen. James Rainey, commanding general of Futures Command.

The Army and its warfighters must be ready for any contingency, Gen. Andrew Poppas, commander of Forces Command, said during last year’s inaugural Warfighter Summit.

“We must be ready for what comes next,” he said. “America is entering a new era of global security challenges, and with it we are ushering in a new generation of warfighters.”