Innovation Presentations Set at AUSA Global Force
Innovation Presentations Set at AUSA Global Force

The value of technology in achieving key Army warfighter capabilities will be the focus of presentations during the Association of the U.S. Army’s Global Force Symposium and Exposition in Huntsville, Ala.
On Monday, March 26, at Innovators Corner on the exhibit floor of the Von Braun Center, there will be presentations about long-range precision fires, next-generation combat vehicles and future vertical lift. On Tuesday, March 27, Innovators Corner presentations will be about the Army network, air and missile defense, and soldier lethality. No presentations are scheduled on the third and final day of the AUSA event.
Those six topics are the Army’s top capability priorities, cited by civilian and uniformed leaders as the primary push of efforts to restructure weapons development and acquisition.
Representatives from the Army’s Aeromedical Research Laboratory; Capabilities Integration Center; Edgewood Chemical Biological Center; Engineer Research and Development Center; Research, Development and Engineering Command; and Space and Missile Defense Command are scheduled to speak.
Innovators Corner will be located in the East Hall of the Von Braun Center. A schedule of presentations is available here: