DoD Hosts Symposium for Military Spouses
DoD Hosts Symposium for Military Spouses

The Defense Department will host its sixth annual Virtual Military Spouse Symposium from May 10–12 as part of Military Spouse Appreciation Month.
Hosted by the DoD Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program, the symposium offers military spouses the opportunity to learn about how to develop their brand, gain work experience, tailor their job search, develop financial well-being and improve relationships, according to a DoD press release.
There also will be opportunities for networking with other military spouses around the world and DoD leaders.
This year’s theme is “2022 for You—More for Your MilLife.” The event, which will take place via Zoom, is free. Registration is now open.
“The Virtual Military Spouse Symposium is the premier Defense Department event for military spouse empowerment and goal setting,” said Patricia Barron, deputy assistant defense secretary for military community and family policy. “We know investing in yourself translates into good outcomes for your family.”
In addition to sessions on leveraging talent as a military spouse and navigating military marriage, there will be an Army breakout session at 3:30 p.m. May 11.
The Association of the U.S. Army is a proud partner of the Military Spouse Employment Partnership, which is part of the DoD Spouse Education and Career Opportunities initiative and aims to bolster education and career opportunities for military spouses.
These programs make a difference for military spouses, said Holly Dailey, AUSA’s Family Readiness director.
“I am excited for the upcoming annual Virtual Military Spouse Symposium,” said Dailey, who plans to attend. “I have seen firsthand the positive impact that the SECO program has made and continues to make for our military spouses. Looking forward to seeing you there.”
For more information or to register, click here.