AUSA Hosting Army Medical Conference
AUSA Hosting Army Medical Conference

An Army Medical Symposium and Exposition will be hosted in San Antonio on July 24 and 25 by the Association of the U.S. Army’s Institute of Land Warfare.
The theme for the event is Army Medicine: A Century of Premier Expeditionary and Globally Integrated Innovation From the Trenches to Multi-Domain Battle.
The two-day event will be held in the Grand Hyatt Hotel on San Antonio’s River Walk.
Registration and additional information is available here:
Key speakers include Lt. Gen. Nadja Y. West, Army surgeon general and the Army Medical Command commanding general, and Lt. Gen. Sean B. MacFarland, Army Training and Doctrine Command deputy commanding general and chief of staff.
Panel discussions are planned on how innovation can improve medical readiness, balancing resources, improving soldier performance, and medical modernization needs in joint force operations.
The second day of the conference includes breakout sessions on emerging infectious disease threats, patient evacuation in multidomain battles, medical support for Europe, the importance of family health care, innovations in combat care, how digital technology is expanding medical treatment, and panel discussions on post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury.