Annual Meeting Includes Walking Challenge
Annual Meeting Includes Walking Challenge
If you are attending the Association of the U.S. Army Annual Meeting and Exposition in Washington, D.C., in October, you are already going to be walking long distances. Why not join the competition?
In conjunction with the U.S. Army’s Performance Triad program and to promote healthy activities, AUSA is sponsoring a walking challenge during the Oct. 9–11 meeting at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, where there is a lot of room to walk in 470,000 square feet of space and room for 2,500 exhibit booths.
Anyone registered to attend the meeting is automatically signed up to participate. You’ll need to provide your own step counter, either a fitness tracker or app for your mobile device. There are many free apps for iPhone and Android devices, such as Stepz, Walker, Wokamon and Pedometer.
In the competition, steps count from the moment you leave the door of your home or hotel on Oct. 9 to the convention center, through the halls and forums, until 4 p.m. each day. Your step count can be recorded at Walking Challenge kiosks near registration, in Hall A at the bottom of the escalators and in Hall D near the AUSA membership booth. Leader boards will show the top competitors.
Daily and overall prizes will be announced each day at 4:30 p.m.
More details are available here: