13 Army Civilians Earn Presidential Rank Awards
13 Army Civilians Earn Presidential Rank Awards
Thirteen Army civilians received prestigious Presidential Rank awards on June 28 in a ceremony conducted by acting Secretary of the Army Robert M. Speer.
The annual awards for career executives and senior civilians are the result of a rigorous selection process involving their agency, evaluation by a board of private citizens and, ultimately, approval by the president of the United States. The June 28 awards were approved by then-President Barack Obama.
Three Army civilians received the Distinguished Executive Rank Award for sustained extraordinary accomplishment. They are:
- Lloyd C. Caldwell Jr., U.S. Army Corps of Engineers director of military programs, leads a global operation. One of his accomplishments in 2016 was overseeing the design and construction of nine new major hospital facilities and three medical laboratories. He also developed and implemented new construction standards for the Department of Defense Education Activity, which manages schools for military children in the U.S. and overseas.
- Krystyna M. Kolesar, deputy director for the program analysis and evaluation directorate in the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans, Programs and Analysis, is responsible for independent analysis and development of future years programs. She was instrumental in aligning the Army’s funding with urgent operational needs, strategic priorities and transformation objectives.
- Levator Norsworthy Jr., the senior career official performing the duties of Army General Counsel, has wide responsibilities under the law overseeing 700 programs, five contracting commands, 12 program executive offices and procurement spending. He is credited with providing oversight and guidance to an alternative dispute resolution team that settled $227 million in claims in terms highly favorable to the Army though a process that was eight years faster than through traditional litigation.
Five Army civilians received Meritorious Executive Rank awards: Richard G. Kidd IV, Deputy Assistant Army Secretary for Strategic Integration; Robert L. Moore, deputy to the commanding general of the Army Security Assistance Command; Diane M. Randon, the senior career official performing the duties of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs; Karl F. Schneider, the senior career official performing the duties of Undersecretary of the Army; and now-retired Anthony J. Stamilio, who was Deputy Assistant Army Secretary for Military Personnel and Quality of Life.
Meritorious Senior Professional Rank awards were given to Augustus W. Fountain III, senior research scientist for chemistry at the Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center; and Rickey E. Smith, deputy chief of staff for engagement at the Army Training and Doctrine Command.
Thomas F. Greco, deputy chief of staff for intelligence at Training and Doctrine Command, received a Meritorious Rank Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Service Award.
Meritorious Rank Defense Intelligence Senior Level awards were given to Michael R. Rosene, chief scientist for the National Ground Intelligence Center, and to Richard H. Saddler, special advisor for operations for the Army Intelligence and Security Command.