George Catlett Marshall Medal

George Catlett Marshall Medal


The GEORGE CATLETT MARSHALL MEDAL is awarded annually for selfless service to the United States of America. This implies service in more than one area or under extraordinary circumstances. For example, when a military figure is considered for the Award, it will not be awarded only for military service unless such distinguished service was performed under extraordinary circumstances. Total service should normally include public service after military retirement or separation from military service. The word "public" may include civilian assignments in government, or service with nonprofit organizations, or leadership in patriotic movements, or like activities. Additionally, the recipient should be known nationally and must agree to be present at the Marshall Dinner to receive the Award. Normally, currently-serving elected and appointed government officials are not eligible. Ideally the last service should be reasonably current. The award was established in 1960.



Awarded annually for selfless service to the United States of America. This implies service in more than one area or under extraordinary circumstances. For example, when a military figure is considered for the Award it will not be awarded only for military service unless such distinguished service was performed under extraordinary circumstances. Total service should normally include public service after military retirement or separation from military service. The word "public" may include civilian assignments in government, or service with nonprofit organizations, or leadership in patriotic movements or like activities. Additionally, the recipient should be known nationally and must agree to be present at the Marshall Dinner to receive the Award. Normally, currently-serving elected and appointed government officials are not eligible. Ideally the last service should be reasonably current.


Previous Recipients

1960 Honorable Robert A. Lovett
1961 Honorable John Jay McCloy
1962 General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower
1963 Honorable Gordon Gray
1964 General of the Army Omar N. Bradley
1965 General Jacob L. Devers
1966 Honorable Harry S Truman
1967 Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge
1968 General Maxwell D. Taylor
1969 Honorable Cyrus R. Vance
1970 General Lyman L. Lemnitzer
1971 Honorable Dean Rusk
1972 Bob Hope
1973 Honorable Henry Kissinger
1974 Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker
1975 Ambassador Stanley R. Resor
1976 Honorable Frank Pace, Jr.
1977 Honorable James R. Schlesinger
1978 Oveta Culp Hobby
1979 Honorable W. Averell Harriman
1980 Lieutenant General James M. Gavin
1981 No Award
1982 Honorable Melvin R. Laird
1983 Honorable Philip C. Habib
1984 Honorable Donald Rumsfeld
1985 Honorable Paul Henry Nitze
1986 General John W. Vessey, Jr.
1987 Honorable David Packard
1988 Honorable Caspar W. Weinberger
1989 Honorable Frank C. Carlucci
1990 Honorable John O. Marsh, Jr.
1991 General Andrew J. Goodpaster
1992 Honorable Gerald R. Ford
1993 Honorable George H.W. Bush
1994 General Colin L. Powell
1995 Honorable Richard B. Cheney
1996 Honorable Sam Nunn
1997 Honorable William J. Perry
1998 Honorable Norman R. Augustine
1999 General Bernard W. Rogers
2000 General Frederick C. Weyand
2001 Honorable Robert J. Dole
2002 Honorable George J. Mitchell
2003 Lieutenant General Brent Scowcroft
2004 The American Soldier
2005 Tom Brokaw
2006 Honorable Warren B. Rudman
2007 Lieutenant General Julius W. Becton, Jr.
2008 Honorable Madeleine K. Albright
2009 Kenneth Fisher
2010 Honorable Preston M. Geren
2011 Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker
2012 Honorable James Baker, III
2013 Honorable Robert M. Gates
2014 Michael W. Krzyzewski
2015 Honorable Leon E. Panetta
2016 General Gordon R. Sullivan
2017 Gary Sinise
2018 Martha Raddatz
2019 General Martin Dempsey
2020 The Army Family
2021 Sergeant Major of the Army Kenneth O. Preston
2022 Honorable Elizabeth Dole
2023 General Eric Shinseki