George Catlett Marshall Medal
George Catlett Marshall Medal
The GEORGE CATLETT MARSHALL MEDAL is awarded annually for selfless service to the United States of America. This implies service in more than one area or under extraordinary circumstances. For example, when a military figure is considered for the Award, it will not be awarded only for military service unless such distinguished service was performed under extraordinary circumstances. Total service should normally include public service after military retirement or separation from military service. The word "public" may include civilian assignments in government, or service with nonprofit organizations, or leadership in patriotic movements, or like activities. Additionally, the recipient should be known nationally and must agree to be present at the Marshall Dinner to receive the Award. Normally, currently-serving elected and appointed government officials are not eligible. Ideally the last service should be reasonably current. The award was established in 1960.
Awarded annually for selfless service to the United States of America. This implies service in more than one area or under extraordinary circumstances. For example, when a military figure is considered for the Award it will not be awarded only for military service unless such distinguished service was performed under extraordinary circumstances. Total service should normally include public service after military retirement or separation from military service. The word "public" may include civilian assignments in government, or service with nonprofit organizations, or leadership in patriotic movements or like activities. Additionally, the recipient should be known nationally and must agree to be present at the Marshall Dinner to receive the Award. Normally, currently-serving elected and appointed government officials are not eligible. Ideally the last service should be reasonably current.
Previous Recipients
1960 | Honorable Robert A. Lovett |
1961 | Honorable John Jay McCloy |
1962 | General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower |
1963 | Honorable Gordon Gray |
1964 | General of the Army Omar N. Bradley |
1965 | General Jacob L. Devers |
1966 | Honorable Harry S Truman |
1967 | Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge |
1968 | General Maxwell D. Taylor |
1969 | Honorable Cyrus R. Vance |
1970 | General Lyman L. Lemnitzer |
1971 | Honorable Dean Rusk |
1972 | Bob Hope |
1973 | Honorable Henry Kissinger |
1974 | Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker |
1975 | Ambassador Stanley R. Resor |
1976 | Honorable Frank Pace, Jr. |
1977 | Honorable James R. Schlesinger |
1978 | Oveta Culp Hobby |
1979 | Honorable W. Averell Harriman |
1980 | Lieutenant General James M. Gavin |
1981 | No Award |
1982 | Honorable Melvin R. Laird |
1983 | Honorable Philip C. Habib |
1984 | Honorable Donald Rumsfeld |
1985 | Honorable Paul Henry Nitze |
1986 | General John W. Vessey, Jr. |
1987 | Honorable David Packard |
1988 | Honorable Caspar W. Weinberger |
1989 | Honorable Frank C. Carlucci |
1990 | Honorable John O. Marsh, Jr. |
1991 | General Andrew J. Goodpaster |
1992 | Honorable Gerald R. Ford |
1993 | Honorable George H.W. Bush |
1994 | General Colin L. Powell |
1995 | Honorable Richard B. Cheney |
1996 | Honorable Sam Nunn |
1997 | Honorable William J. Perry |
1998 | Honorable Norman R. Augustine |
1999 | General Bernard W. Rogers |
2000 | General Frederick C. Weyand |
2001 | Honorable Robert J. Dole |
2002 | Honorable George J. Mitchell |
2003 | Lieutenant General Brent Scowcroft |
2004 | The American Soldier |
2005 | Tom Brokaw |
2006 | Honorable Warren B. Rudman |
2007 | Lieutenant General Julius W. Becton, Jr. |
2008 | Honorable Madeleine K. Albright |
2009 | Kenneth Fisher |
2010 | Honorable Preston M. Geren |
2011 | Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker |
2012 | Honorable James Baker, III |
2013 | Honorable Robert M. Gates |
2014 | Michael W. Krzyzewski |
2015 | Honorable Leon E. Panetta |
2016 | General Gordon R. Sullivan |
2017 | Gary Sinise |
2018 | Martha Raddatz |
2019 | General Martin Dempsey |
2020 | The Army Family |
2021 | Sergeant Major of the Army Kenneth O. Preston |
2022 | Honorable Elizabeth Dole |
2023 | General Eric Shinseki |