Firehouse Arts Theater

4444 Railroad Avenue
Pleasanton, CA 94566
United States

Add to Calendar 2025-01-18 21:12:16 2025-01-18 21:12:16 An Evening with Audie Murphy Description Location AUSA UTC public

The Pleasanton Museum on Main (MOM) will schedule at least one performance of "An Evening with Audie Murphy".  The event will be held at the Pleasanton Firehouse Arts Theater on Tuesday evening 14 November 2017.  

Audie Murphy was one of the most decorated soldiers of World War II receiving every possible award for valor presented by the United States Army.  Audie Murphy will be portrayed by film actor Duffie Hudson.  Mr. Hudson has appeared previously in Pleasanton playing the role of Edgar Allen Poe and Houdini.  These events are becoming so popular that the complete ten event 2017 Muesum on Main series was sold out within a few days when the schedule was announced last month.

Active duty military, veterans and their families are being given first priority to purchase tickets, obtain the best seating and attend at the lowest price.  Those interested in attending should reserve tickets now.  Tickets must be paid for NLT 24 February.  The remaining tickets will go on sale to the public on 1 March.

Our ticket price is $10 per person.

To reserve your tickets, answer this email or call Doug Miller at 925.998.9905.  Payment instructions will be sent to those who reserve tickets.  Payment is due NLT 24 February.

It is anticipated that an optional reception will be held prior to or immediately after the event.  The reception will be planned based on event ticket sales

The Dean Chapter and Pleasanton VFW Post 6298 will host this event.   

Doug Miller 
MG William F. Dean Chapter
Association of the United States Army