What is AUSA Young Professionals?
AUSA Young Professionals (AUSA YP) is a national initiative intended to increase interest in
AUSA among the Millennial demographic by providing them value through relevant activities,
leadership positions, and membership benefits at the chapter and national level. AUSA YP is in
no way distinct or different from AUSA.
AUSA Offers Young Professionals:
1. Networking opportunities with senior military, civic, academic, and business leaders.
2. Mentoring programs with highly successful professionals.
3. Professional development forums to enhance your career.
4. Leadership positions to strengthen your professional background and résumé.
5. Social events and much more!
The Association of the United States Army provides a unique opportunity for rising young
professionals who support America’s Army to connect with community leaders, military leaders,
and well known businesses. AUSA membership offers access to networking events, professional
development forums, meaningful mentorships, and social gatherings in order to empower the
next generation of leaders to play an active role in AUSA while advancing their professional
goals and supporting their local community.
For more information visit https://www.ausa.org/center-for-leadership/young-professionals
Or Email Us at AUSAYPAPG@Gmail.com