ARMY Magazine VOL. 64 NO. 5 May 2014
ARMY Magazine VOL. 64 NO. 5 May 2014
A Question of Balance
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In 1970, the Moody Blues, a rather innovative British rock band, released their sixth collection.
Soldier Pay: How Much Is Enough?
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The 1 percent basic pay raise proposed for soldiers in the 2015 federal budget serves as an example of the bottom line for calculating military sal
Better Nutrition Efforts Fill the Army’s Plate
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Everything is on the table in the Army’s efforts to help soldiers eat better, perform better and feel better now while potentially
Combat Chow—A History in Small Bites
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First, the historic news: Meals Ready to Eat (MRE) pizza.
Cotton Fluffing Improves National Security
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An Army research project about fluffing cotton is leading to renewed independence from foreign countries for a key component of artillery and morta
What Science Says About Gender and PTSD
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For a moment, let’s forget that American women were not allowed to serve in combat units until very recently.