ARMY Magazine VOL. 64 NO. 10 2014-2015 Green Book October 2014
ARMY Magazine VOL. 64 NO. 10 2014-2015 Green Book October 2014
The U.S. Army: Trusted Professionals for the Nation
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Today, we live in a dynamic and uncertain security environment with challenges across every continent.
Leading Our Way to the Army’s Future
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It’s been said by some that while history doesn’t repeat itself, it certainly does rhyme.
America’s Army: Always Accepting the Challenge
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The nation’s foundational force for more than 239 years, the U.S. Army has defended America’s freedom, prosperity and way of life.
Believe in The NCO Creed
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A code of ethics … cannot be developed overnight by edict or official pronouncement.
Twice the Citizen
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As a combat surgeon in both Iraq and Afghanistan, Army Reserve Lt. Col.
Fitting In At Home and Abroad
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As our role in Afghanistan recedes, the Army and the wider defense community must look toward the future.