Upcoming events!! July to Dec
Upcoming events!! July to Dec
The event option is not working on this site so I will list the upcoming events here:
Four Castle March
General Members Meeting Oktoberfest Networking Social
Wear Your Dirndle or Leiderhosen!
General Members Meeting Halloween Costume Networking Social. Family friendly event.
Life Members of the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) come join us for a Happy Hour with the 15th Sergeant Major of the Army, SMA (R) Dan Dailey. Drinks and light refreshments provided.
Thanksgiving Vibes or American Football Jersey Networking Social at the Pentahotel Wiesbaden
Come sparkle at a night out at the beautiful Henkell & Co. Sektkellerei!
The perfect backdrop for holiday photos while Sekt tasting!
Bus to Bastogne, Belgium, experience the 101st Airborne Museum & their 'Airborne Village event, Easy Company Fox Holes, WWII Re-enactment camp, NUTS celebration in the town center of Bastogne & local Christmas Market.
Ugly / Awesome Sweater or Festive Dress Holiday Networking Social